Tyrell Brotherhood Imtimidate/Pumps

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Tyrell Brotherhood Intimidate/Pumps 2 1 0 1.0
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scantrell24 3334

Second draft.

5 comentarios

blueeyedbanditt 1

Any thoughts on adding Last of the Giants? Or is it overkill?

scantrell24 3334

@blueeyedbandittI haven't considered it because I'd rather try and build a sustained board position in most cases, plus it doesn't work well timing wise with the agenda triggering at the start of the phase. In a deck with Jaqen, Rattleshirt, or Varys maybe.

Orion727 101

i like the idea. Will work well against crossing if you win initative. But it will often be a coin toss if they use heads. I have two questions: what is the reason for the new Knight of the Flowers? How do you feel about the Green Apple Knights in this deck. It looks like you want to go first and if they are turned on they are fantastic in this scenario.

scantrell24 3334

@Orion727New KoF is here just because he's a Knight with renown for 4 gold which is great value. Green-Apple Knights are a good idea for the non-kneeling potential with Renly's Ride but they're more expensive than Hedge Knights, don't have renown, and can't gain a keyword from the agenda, so I don't see any space for them.

Orion727 101

Thanks for the answer. Green-Apple Knights could only be considered in exchange for non character cards in my opinion because they are only valuable if you have enough other knights. I think their potential is higher because of course you cannot give them the intimidate keyword with the agenda but they can help push through the intimidating challenge (and help kneeling a bigger character) or renown challenge for that chosen character without opening you board. Also they have an intrigue icon. Regarding KoF: The value is great that is true but he has the down side of being a target for ward. Also the other KoF has the potential to push through any challenge on his own in your deck.