Lady Mormont of the Crossing

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Stark Crossing - Kubla Cup Winner 7 3 1 1.0
Inspiración para
Lord Stark of the Crossing 0 0 0 2.0

Marco Martell 70

I won my first tourney with this classical Stark deck that will be legal with new-coming restricted list (You Win or You Die is the only restrict I wanted to include). The only big changes was adding +2 Dacey Mormont copies to meet 12 House Mormont trait cards requirement and Bearskin Cloak for stealth and fun (as 9/60 cards could take it and get stealth). You can replace Dacey (risky with milk/nightmares) with another copy of Wylla, Meera, Winterfell Steward or Umber Loyalist. Bearskin Cloak can be replaced with another copy of Superior Claim or the already mentioned cards.

Here the tournament results:

Only last 2 games were really stressful.

Before tourney I played 2x Winter Festival but with new RL, Time of Plenty seems much safer opener than At the Gates and therefore I don't open anymore with Winter Festival unless I am pretty sure there is no Summer Plot opening for my opponent. Usually I play it when there's big need of Valar reset plot. 2 plots deal with big guys from Aloof or any Greyjoys, 1 of them also with burn. 2 try to win initiative in close battles or when closing is pretty sure with them. One offers draw as well. Time of Plenty is default opener.

3 comentarios

mak 313

good job Marco! Opening Winter Festival against Tamas in the Final was huge I guess!

Any draw issues with only 1x Old Gate?

Marco Martell 70

I think I had enough cards in every game and if I did use Old Gate in any of the games, it happened once. But not 100% sure if I did. I didn't use "Off To Gulltown" in any game as well. I Am No One is greatest draw (in my first game I had 3 in my 1st round hand, yet first one was discarded, second blocked by Hand's Judgment, and third by Words Are Wind and He Calls It Thinking as I let Martell DWDW draw). Even those 3 lucky blocks and 4 other events played in the 1st round didn't stop me eventually.

Back to draw - in fact characters offer it in some way (in one game even Bran drawed from Insight but this is not expected), in some BETTER way. Bear Island Scout (R) didn't fail me any single time. Summer (Core) ability is also kind of draw from discard/dead pile. Jojen Reed drawed a card when Tamas hand was full in the final and did not round earlier when mine was full and his not. Obviously just for draw is here Umber Loyalist. I only use this card when draw is absolutely needed or when he would highly likely get discarded.

Also, in this deck you usually don't look for specific cards. They are all good every time (very rarely too much Limited economy comes - 3 such cards (2xKingsroad+1xHeart Tree Grove) from I Am No One today in one of the games). In characters you just have make sure you put an intrigue icon on the table. Early Smalljon forces people to reset early when I still have many ways to get cards.

Bad matchups are Burn decks (I burn nicely unless Sorrows), Wall defense decks (can't do/win 3chals), Lannie Kraken (eco-destruction, FSnow+Marauders X=3) & Big Greyjoys (eco-destruction, stealth on bigger STR, intimidating Euron, Fanatic blocking scouts and She-Bears). None of those was expected in this tournament (maybe GJ Kings of Winter were and they appeared indeed in some way but not for me), so I picked this trait and adjusted the deck.

Zinnie 23

Really good answer, I’d also ask for draw, but you got it covered:)