Sand, Smoke, and Salt: Five Store Champ Top 4s

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mattastrophic 719


When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt...

This is the Baratheon/Martell deck I have taken to seven Store Championships and made Top 4 with in five of them. It began as an idea that spawned with the release of Road to Winterfell and Nymeria Sand. I knew that Crown of Gold on Melisandre was going to be a problem for Baratheon Fealty, and Baratheon Fealty mirror matches are awful, so I added some tools from Martell to tackle both problems.

It's been a success! Nymeria Sand really complements the Baratheon control style. I replaced the second Filthy Accusations, a staple of Baratheon Fealty, with Calling the Banners, in order to more reliably afford Nymeria. As time went on, I realized that my intrigue game was quite strong, to the point where people were naming Intrigue when they would flip Calm Over Westeros, and that's when I'd say that this deck really departed from the Fealty style.

Baratheon Fealty is about inevitability. The Red Keep, Stannis Baratheon, The Iron Throne, and Chamber of the Painted Table all reinforce an inevitable win. This style is about to be reinforced with Gendry in the next pack. Meanwhile, this deck is much more capable of winning through challenges and aggressive play. Melisandre allows you to kneel the opponent's best characters, and Nymeria Sand lets you bypass the best of who's left. Attainted is excellent for locking down the intrigue game and creating excellent Tears of Lys opportunities. It's worth noting that the rise of Lannister / Lord of the Crossing is well-countered by Martell icon control. My strategy against Lord of the Crossing is to keep the opponent from being able to make three solid challenges, and Attainted puts a weight on Lannister / Lord of the Crossing's intrigue game, which is arguably their weakest of the three challenge types. If that deck is prevalent in your area, I would suggest going up to 3x Attainted, removing Dawn.

Meanwhile, In the Name of Your King works wonders in high-stakes military situations, and Baratheon is a mighty Power faction. Thus, all three challenge types are well-covered by this deck.

On a final note, this deck has a 4-1 record against Lannister / Lord of the Crossing in tournaments, and a perfect record against other Lannister decks. Enjoy.

7 comentarios

betta 1

You just made my day!! XD

emmg 1

What would you add/remove with No Middle Ground?

mattastrophic 719

I haven't thought about this before today, because my Store Championship season is now over, and my first Regional will likely have the whole cycle legal.

I believe that Gendry and Tahbo Mott's Armory are both very very good for the Baratheon Fealty control style, where you don't actually have to win challenges in order to win the game. That's a different deck than this one, though.

Martell is about to get His Viper Eyes in the Wolves of the North box, and that card makes me really excited to try out Martell as a main house. I can definitely see Martell/Baratheon working. Ghaston Grey, Seen in Flames, Attainted, and His Viper Eyes make an impressive character control package along with Melisandre and the Fiery Followers.

If Lannister/Lord of the Crossing remains dominant, though, I may not change a thing. We've got 75 new cards coming in the next two weeks, though, so who knows what will happen.

mattastrophic 719

In general, though, the deck's flexible card choices are Dawn, The Iron Throne/Support of the People, In the Name of Your King!, Moon Boy, and the Royal Entourages. If I were to start experimenting with new cards, I'd swap out from that list.

omgitsblake 189

"Is he a ham?"

thebjorn 7


Would you say Stannis is essential? I have started experimenting with the thought of swapping him for two copies of Bastard Daughters. This would give a nicer curve, some more handcontrol ( great with the strong INT game) while sacrificing some of Roberts devastating endgame. I would love the input from a more seasoned player.

mattastrophic 719

Stannis can win games for you. This deck isn't all-in on Stannis like many Fealty builds are, but he is still quite important. He's a high-impact character in a metagame where high-impact characters rule the day.

I tried Bastard Daughters at first, but I switched them out for House Dayne Knights because of the built-in intrigue icon. Bastard Daughters were making losing challenges hurt my opponent, but House Dayne Knights are winning challenges and helping with establishing the intrigue dominance that leads to Tears of Lys.