Rush rush rush: get to the finish line!

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Tinder Margy - Tyrell/Wolf 0 0 0 1.0

ConfusedDuck 2

Managed to win the Leisure Games store championship (20 players) with this.

Went 2-2 but we were doing a top 8 cut so snuck through on SoS and then went on to beat the King of Swiss and the two people that I had lost to earlier in the day to submarine for the victory.

Not too much cleverness to report - get your big renown characters out and do power challenges! Superior Claim and Lady Sansa's Rose really helped to gain power quickly and win me games (as expected).

A couple of points/words of wisdom:

1 comentario

Rookie 8

Hi I've tried out this list, I really like it. Would you consider the House Manderly Knight instead of the winterfell stewards? I only ask as the targets for Lady Sansa's rose was hard.

I also wonder if adding Bran Stark would assist with cancelling the opponents kill events.

I took heads on spikes out and placed a second winter festival in the deck.

A fantastic build though