GJ Winnies Melee 1st of 15 Barbegot Winner!

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Greyjoy weenies - Melee winner of Blackwater 30p 12 7 6 1.0

LGB 171

Had the honour to win barbegot with this baby.

Increase the threat of the table in every round. You have 4 optioms: Vallar, Marched, Riddle and Fortified!

All of them will drasticaly change what everyone wants to do. Just make sure YOUUu play he varys riddle for your foes.

2 comentarios

GrimJoy 13

Excelent! Good controling deck. I wish I had played against this deck.

LGB 171

I had relentless and superior claim, but the goal was to control the table mantained a almost empity board.

In all games I played vallar. It was a reset heavy tourney. Varys Riddle from other players enables the control aspect of the reset and sereve punishes duplicates.