House Martell. Leal.
Location. Coste: 2.


Reaction: After you lose a challenge as the defending player, kneel and sacrifice Ghaston Grey to return an attacking character to its owner's hand (cannot be saved).

Ignacio Bazán Lazcano
Core Set #116.

Link: Decklists

Ghaston Grey

Rules FAQ

  • Ghaston Grey triggers at step D in the DUCK acronym.
    • D for Determine winner - first you determine the winner/loser, the the amount of strength the challenge was won by, and the unopposed/opposed status of the challenge. Then players trigger reactions to winning/losing, like Put to the Sword, Lannisport, and Ghaston Grey.
    • U for Unopposed bonus - this is where the attacking claims a power if the challenge is unopposed, and can trigger reactions to claiming the unopposed bonus, like Rise of the Kraken.
    • C for Claim - now claim is applied, if any, and players can trigger interrupts to claim like Vengeance for Elia, or reactions like Bastard Daughter dying to military claim or Crone of Vaes Dothrak reacting to intrigue claim.
    • K for Keywords - finally, keywords and their reactions happen last. For example, when Robert gains a power for renown, you can trigger Lightbringer.
  • The term “attacking character” refers to a character that is participating in a challenge on the side of the player who initiated the challenge. So Ghaston Grey can target characters such as Jon Snow that were added to the challenge outside of the normal declaration of attackers.

  • Ghaston must be sacrificed in order to successfully pay the cost, so you cannot save Ghaston from its own cost with a duplicate.

  • When Ghaston removes a character from play, the amount of strength the challenge was won by doesn't change. It's already "locked in". Likewise, if the only attacking character is removed, the attacking player has already been determined to win the challenge, so he still gets the unopposed bonus if applicable, applies claim, etc.