Active Restricted Lists
The following lists of card restrictions are supported in the deck builder.
Standard v1.14
Issued by Global Operations Team (G.O.T.), effective on 03/14/2025.
Joust Restricted List
A player may select one card from the restricted list for any given deck, and cannot then include any other restricted cards in the same deck. A player may run as many copies of his or her chosen restricted card in a deck as the regular game rules (or card text) allow.
Joust Restricted Pods
Some cards interactions are so powerful that the inclusion of these cards in a deck comes with additional restrictions. Those cards are grouped together in pods.
No more than one card from each pod may be included in a deck.
However, if a pod contains a card from the restricted list (indicated in bold text if applicable) and you choose that card as your restricted card, then the other cards from that pod cannot be included in your deck. If you choose a different restricted card, you may include any number of unrestricted cards from that pod in your deck.
Joust Banned List
The following cards are not legal for competitive play in Joust.
Melee Restricted List
A player may select one card from the restricted list for any given deck, and cannot then include any other restricted cards in the same deck. A player may run as many copies of his or her chosen restricted card in a deck as the regular game rules (or card text) allow.
Melee Restricted Pods
Some cards interactions are so powerful that the inclusion of these cards in a deck comes with additional restrictions. Those cards are grouped together in pods.
No more than one card from each pod may be included in a deck.
However, if a pod contains a card from the restricted list (indicated in bold text if applicable) and you choose that card as your restricted card, then the other cards from that pod cannot be included in your deck. If you choose a different restricted card, you may include any number of unrestricted cards from that pod in your deck.
Melee Banned List
The following cards are not legal for competitive play in Melee.
Valyrian v1.0
Issued by Global Operations Team (G.O.T.), effective on 07/16/2021.
Joust Restricted List
Melee Restricted List
A player may select one card from the restricted list for any given deck, and cannot then include any other restricted cards in the same deck. A player may run as many copies of his or her chosen restricted card in a deck as the regular game rules (or card text) allow.
Melee Banned List
The following cards are not legal for competitive play in Melee.