

Your plot deck must be 12 cards, including exactly 5 different Scheme cards. During the plot phase, Scheme cards are not considered to be in your plot deck.

Reaction: After you win an challenge by 5 or more STR, kneel your faction card to reveal a Scheme plot. If that card leaves play, remove it from the game.

Card Design by 2013 Joust World Champion, Álvaro Rodriguez.

Serena Malyon
Lions of Casterly Rock #45.

Link: Decklists

"The Rains of Castamere"

Rules FAQ

  • Your plot deck must contain exactly 5 Scheme plots and 7 non-Scheme plots.

  • You cannot reveal Scheme plots normally during the plot phase.

  • When you reveal your last non-Scheme plot and resolve all When Revealed abilities, return your used plots to your plot deck.

  • After you win an intrigue challenge by 5+ STR, you may reveal a Scheme plot and initiate it's When Revealed ability (your currently revealed plot goes into your used pile).

  • When you reveal a new non-Scheme plot during the next turn's plot phase, your currently revealed Scheme plot is removed from the game (instead of going into your used pile).

  • If you reveal Sneak Attack, and you've already initiated a challenge this turn, then you cannot initiate any more challenges.
What if I reveal a Storm of Swords attacking military twice, the usual power once, and lastly winning intrigue by 5 or more, what will happen? From my understanding that the impacts be two claims for intrigue and no further challenges (assuming I have Casterly Rock). — superleague 8
How does this work with Wardens on the Wall? Wouldn't it be too late to perform the reaction on it? — SnackHappy 1
Lasting effects that modify the claim value of your revealed plot (e.g. Calm Over Westeros) apply to the new plot revealed by The Rains of Castamere as well. — mplain 239
When you Reveal the new Scheme card do you get the gold from it? — Aromaknight 1
You only collect income at the start of the marshaling phase, when you become the active player. Not when you reveal a new plot. — mplain 239
Lasting effects that modify the claim value of your revealed plot (e.g. Calm Over Westeros) apply to the new plot revealed by The Rains of Castamere as well. (Source: — mplain 239
Does the scheme cards reserve value override the current non-scheme plot in play for the round? — Exerath99 1
When the Scheme plot is revealed, it becomes your revealed plot, and the plot you had revealed in the plot phase moves to your used pile. So, yes. — scantrell24 3398

Scheme plots currently available as of this card's release (Lannister Deluxe Box right after CP3 of the 2nd Cycle):

A Game of Thrones
Filthy Accusations
Forgotten Plans
Gossip and Lies
Littlefinger's Meddling
Power Behind the Throne
Pulling the Strings (Tyrell Loyal)
Sneak Attack
The King's Peace (Baratheon Loyal)
The Long Plan (Martell Loyal)
Varys's Riddle
Wardens of the West (Lannister Loyal)
Wildfire Assault

What happens when you've used all 5 scheme plots. Does the agenda become completely useless? — cart3r 23
Yep. — mplain 239
What is the ruling on plots with double traits on them (i.e. kingdom scheme, war scheme), can they still be played or is any plot that has the scheme trait is auto barred from entry during normal plot phase? — HalhamadKwT 1
Any plot with a Scheme trait is a Scheme plot. Doesn't matter is it has other traits or not. — mplain 239

Rules FAQ: Interaction with claim raising/lowering effects. EDIT: Nate overturned what I wrote here.

domse 161
Lasting effects that modify the claim value of your revealed plot (e.g. Calm Over Westeros) apply to the new plot revealed by The Rains of Castamere as well. — mplain 239
Source: — mplain 239
I just wanted to check on the interaction of Power Behind The Throne in the 'Rains' plot deck. — Reader 298
I just wanted to check on the interaction of Power Behind The Throne in the 'Rains' plot deck. — Reader 298
When the Stand token is placed on Power Behind the Throne, can it remain on there, into the following round/s, until a new 'Rains' plot is revealed? or does the normal plot sit on top of it, and therefore cancel it out, in the new Plot phase? — Reader 298
When you reveal a new plot during the plot phase, your previously revealed Scheme plot (e.g. Power Behind the Thorne) is removed from the game, as per the text on Rains. — mplain 239

I just wanted to check on the interaction of Power Behind The Throne in the 'Rains' plot deck. When the Stand token is placed on Power Behind the Throne, can it remain on there, into the following round/s, until a new 'Rains' plot is revealed and placed on top of it? or does the normal plot sit on top of it, and therefore cancel it out, in the new Plot phase?

Reader 298
The moment you reveal a new plot during the plot phase, the Scheme plot revealed by this agenda is removed from the game. — mplain 239
thank you — Reader 298

About sneak attack - can I play sneak attack after playing military and power as my challenges 1&2?

djma 1
It's probably in the other FAQs, but Sneak Attack doesn't work in Castamere, as it counts all the challenges you've already initiated — Req 33