House Targaryen. Leal.
Event. Coste: 2.


Dominance Action: Each player may shuffle his or her hand (of at least 1 card) into his or her deck. Each player that does draws 5 cards.

Fe de erratas.
Kristina Carroll
Someone Always Tells #114.

Esta tarjeta ha sido erratada de su impresión original. Consulte las Preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles.

Link: Decklists

To Go Forward You Must Go Back

Card Errata (v1.4) To Go Forward You Must Go Back (Flight of Crows, 114) Should read: “Dominance Action: Each player may shuffle his or her hand (of at least 1 card) into his or her deck. Each player that does draws 5 cards.”

Lalov 1