Character. Coste: 2. FUE: 1.

House Arryn. Lord.

Interrupt: When a card with printed cost equal to or lower than its owner's initiative value is revealed from a player's hand, deck, or shadows area, remove it from the game. (Limit once per phase.)

Anh Bui
As High as Honor #28.

Link: Decklists


Rules FAQ

  • See Alla Tyrell for previous rulings on how this mechanic works. I will only add rulings that are unique to Sweetrobin below.

  • A quantity cannot be reduced so that it functions with a value below zero. If a player’s initiative value is a negative number, it will be treated as 0, so Sweetrobin will be able to target cards that player reveals with printed cost 0.

  • Cards with printed cost "-" have no printed cost, so Sweetrobin cannot interact with them. (See Printed cost of shadows cards.)

  • If you search for a card with A Time For Wolves, Iron Victory's Crew, or At the Gates, that card is still revealed even if you intend to put it into play, so Sweetrobin can remove it from the game first. Other search effects that put a card directly into play usually do not require you to reveal that card, but Devan Seaworth is an exception (presumably due to an oversight), so Sweetrobin works against Devan as well.

  • If Alla Tyrell is revealed from a player’s hand or deck while Sweetrobin is in play, the two cards share the same interrupt window. If Sweetrobin is triggered first, Alla can no longer be put into play. If Alla is triggered first, Sweetrobin can no longer remove her from the game.

  • Some of the other non-search effects that Sweetrobin can mess up are Citadel Novice, Dothraki Handmaiden, Gates of Winterfell, I Never Bet Against My Family, Jon Connington, Maege Mormont, Nightfort Builder, Randyll Tarly (JS), Ser Mark Mullendore, and The Higher Mysteries. With Pentos, you cannot put the attachment into play after Sweetrobin removes it from the game, nor do you get to draw a card. With Renly Baratheon (FFH), you still draw a card even if Sweetrobin removes your revealed card from the game.

  • Sweetrobin can alter how some abilities resolve, because cards those abilities interact with might no longer be in their specified areas. A few examples... If Sweetrobin removes the card revealed by Called Into Service, it is impossible to draw that card or put it into play, but you can still gain 2 gold. If Sweetrobin removes one of the cards revealed by White Harbor, the losing opponent is forced to add the only remaining card to your hand. When resolving Summoned to Court, if Sweetrobin removes the only character with the lowest printed cost from the game, no player can put any revealed character into play. With Haldon Halfmaester, you cannot draw an event or put Aegon Targaryen into play, but you can still place gold on a card with the same cardtype. With Womb of the World, if the card that would have been put into play is removed from the game, that card is no longer "eligible" to be put into play. Another card is put into play instead, if possible.

Odrl 1254
what about queenscrown interaction? — Rorthgar 8

Question what about queenscrown interaction with Sweetrobin?

Is the card removed permantly or it just overwrite the effect and return to discard/bottom of deck?

It is removed permanently. — Odrl 1254