House Baratheon. Leal.
Location. Coste: 2.


You may choose not to stand Dragonstone during the standing phase.

Reaction: After a card is placed in shadows by a card effect, kneel Dragonstone. Then, until Dragonstone stands or leaves play, that card cannot come out of shadows.

Jordi Gonzalez
The Spoils of War #3.

Link: Decklists


Rules FAQ

  • Dragonstone can react to any effect that “places” (Banished from the Light), “puts” (Brazen Beast) or “returns” (Clever Feint) a card to shadows. Costs are not effects though, so if a card returns to shadows by paying the cost of an ability (for instance, Starfall Spy), Dragonstone’s reaction cannot be used. It also cannot be used if a card is marshaled into shadows during the marshaling phase.

  • The card cannot come out of shadows by any means, whether it is paying its shadow cost or putting it into play by a card effect (like The Queen of Thorns (TMoW)). If the card is an event, it cannot be played from shadows. The card can still be discarded from shadows or returned to hand though.

  • Only that specific card is prevented from coming out of shadows. Other cards with the same title are not affected.

  • Dragonstone applies a lasting effect that expires when it stands or leaves play. Blanking Dragonstone after it has triggered will not let the player bring that card out of shadows. However, Dragonstone will be forced to stand in the standing phase if its text is still blank then.

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