House Stark. No Leal.
Character. Coste: 3. FUE: 3.


No attachments.

Reaction: After you win a challenge in which you control an attacking Direwolf character, draw 1 card.

Interrupt: When Jon Snow would be killed, sacrifice Ghost to save him.

Card design by 2019 European Melee Champion, Chris Meeuwsen.

Ertaç Altınöz
Children of Summer #31.

Link: Decklists


Rules FAQ

  • Ghost can only draw 1 card per challenge even if you control multiple attacking Direwolf characters.

  • A character that has a Direwolf attachment is not itself a Direwolf character.

  • It is possible to play the card you draw with Ghost in the same reaction window (for instance, Taste For Flesh).

  • If you have to choose multiple characters for claim, you can choose both Ghost and Jon Snow, then sacrifice Ghost to save Jon and keep both of them alive.

Odrl 1254