Stag and Kraken Swarm

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agktmte 1486

I've been theorizing about using a really low curve swarm deck. So here is a deck list that utilizes this strategy and design.

It is a Baratheon Banner of the Kraken deck playing a really low character cost curve and relying on The Red Keep and Counting Coppers to reload. I went 4-1 at my LGS (Covenant Store) last night (8/28/15) with the list, the loss was to Bara/Tyrell, though I won the rematch. I also beat Martell/NW twice and GJ/Martell once.

In the deck I used last night I had Calm Over Westeros (why? I don't know, I didn't have a better idea at the time) instead of Building Orders and I had two Throwing Axes (once again, thought I would throw them in, but they don't really do anything). So this list is presented with a couple modifications now that I have played several games with the original list.

Let's talk a little bit about the strategy:

In order to support flooding the board, you need lots of draw, so The Red Keep makes sense and Counting Coppers as well. Also, Summons and Building Orders work in this regard because not only can they help you find an important piece (Melisandre, Aeron Damphair, The Red Keep), but they also act as a "draw one card" plot.

Double Marched to the Wall is used because this deck's character quality is so much lower than the opponent's that it is a net advantage. And NO ONE expects two. It can be used when you expect your opponent to play Wildfire Assault to take each side down to two characters (which you then repopulate) or it can be used turns 1 and 2 to punish a slow start from your opponent.

Another option would be to cut one Marched to the Wall for a second Filthy Accusations. Since the plan is to capitalize on quantity over quality, you need to control the one or two really good characters your opponent has on the board. Which is why the Melisandre R'hllor package is used in the deck. Note that Lightbringer is in the deck only as a Melisandre trigger, so essentially you would pay 2 gold to kneel an opponent's character. Be sure to attach it on the Baratheon weenie you plan to kill or discard next so it returns to your hand!

It also has the Dominance winning Baratheon/Greyjoy package which enables you to grind out a game and just oppose all challenges and win Dominance. Chamber of the Painted Table acts as an accelerator and Aeron Damphair for recursion (as good as card draw).

For other changes you can probably replace Asha and Theon with two more copies of Davos. It is still a Stealth character and since he always returns to hand when killed, the dupes are never dead cards. And in setup if you get two or three, you can play them all, unlike if you have both Asha and Davos, etc. However, the advantage of one of each is the chance of having multiple copies of Stealth at the same time.

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