
Simulador de robo
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Gorig 1

I decided to make a themed deck dedicated to one of my favorite characters - The brotherhood without banners. In the near future I plan to test it in small Amateur games and maybe even go to the first tournament in my city.

I have always liked the representatives of the Baratheon dynasty, who are currently the legal rulers of Westeros. After Robert's death, the country is going through hard times, but some people do not give up and try to help the common people. Let's see if this spirit of altruism and self-sacrifice can succeed on the battlefield.

At the heart of the deck are the characters from The Baratheon faction, as it is not difficult to guess. Neutral characters from the Brotherhood run a lot of interesting mechanics, including some semblance of immortality for the most important cards. The silent Sisters will gain a lot of weight on the table, given the number of characters theoretically falling into the graveyard.

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