A cold wind from the south (Stahleck Roadtrip build)

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hansn 90

So Stahleck 2018 is over. Those of us who was there will likely be looking back on yet another memorable event, so thank you to the organizers for yet again putting in the effort to create this possibility for all of us thrones players.

What I love about Stahleck is that there is such a diverse field of players, ranging from very young to some of us that are starting to get a little bit grey on the top of our heads. I've never seen myself as a competitive player and I'm pretty sure that those who know me in this wonderful community probably can confirm that hyper competitive decks bores the shit out of me. So I'm usually seeking out interesting interactions and little explored concept, however this year like probably many of the other players I didn't really had any ideas of what to bring for this year.

The Danish meta had decided to we're going to drive to Stahleck by car, so why not use those countless of hours to build a deck?. So here I am, sitting in the backseat of the car, chatting with Benjamin about how I build decks I decided to show him how I do it. So opens ThronesDB and press new deck.

So what house? Martell!

I talked with him about a simple concept of swapping out plots with Ser Gerris Drinkwater and At Prince Doran's Behest. Looking at the other plots and it struck me that Winter Reserves could be good to swap in and then make all the following winter plot much more useful. So why not make a deck that can swap behest a couple of times and use all those cards that triggers off more than 3 plots in discard pile.

Especially cards like To The Spears!, Knights of the Sun and the usual suspect of Doran's Game, Secret Schemes, The Prince's Plan and Host of the Boneway.

I wanted to try some unusual cards Maester Myles, Ellaria Sand (SoD) and Ser Cletus Yronwood to control the initiative.

Anyway, I had a lot of fun playing the deck and especially enjoying all of my opponents joy of playing a deck that was full of surprises and unusual cards. Which was my goal for Stahleck, namely to show up and make people happy.

The deck was not optimised and lost me 5 games, but also showed some its potential in the 3 games I won. After having played about 10 games with the deck, I would make some changes, since I do think there is some potential in the deck to at least go toe to toe with some of the stronger decks in the meta.

Anyway, I hope you all had a good Stahleck and this little silly deck can inspire something better than what I created in the backseat of a car in the middle of the night in about 10 minutes time.

I hope it will inspire some of you to keep pushing the idea of what a deck can be and not always think that it need to be the best deck, it can also just be an interesting deck that is trying to do something most other people haven't seen yet. The smiles was definitely worth it for me. Cheers.

4 comentarios

BaraBob 1

Love the deck. Keep cooking up interesting new decks.

jcwamma 2860

I always love your decks Simon, another good job! How was Starfall Spy for you, in practice? Would you consider Change of Plans to help accelerate putting Reserves in your used pile if you don't see Gerris?

hansn 90

Thanks to both of you. @jcwamma starfall spy only appeared once in all my game paired with Hotah' s axe it was really powerful and helped getting Ser Gerris Drinkwater out.

I'm going to try out Change of Plans as an alternative to Gerris, since it is quite a tempo play to bring him out.

Trebge68 97

Loving the deck Simon and I'm taking it for a spin!