Top 8 Winter is coming ( Milano ) - Baratheon/Martell

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House Baratheon, Banner of the Sun 0 0 3 1.0
Inspiración para
Baratheon & Martel 0 0 0 1.0

Lawyer 426

Updated with the release of the first chapter pack. I was very impressed by Robert Baratheon , Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre for total control of the opponet’s characters into play. Confinement + Tears of Lys is brutal in adding to the bara kneel tricks.

Why Banner of the sun?

Just because i like some Martell cards, and this deck is like an Unicorn, a lot of people think that isn’t a good mix. of course Bara fealty is better, but in this moment, it’s interesting to try , something different, fun and competitive at the same time , with a limited card pool

The plot deck is simple: As first plot Calm Over Westeros , A Noble Cause or Calling the Bannersif your opponent have a good setup. Then Filthy Accusations for control the table in adding with Melisandre ecc…

The best combo in this teck is Robert Baratheon+ Lightbringer if you go first. you can trigger Intimidate two times. Of course you can put the sword on the owner Stannis Baratheon for one more renown.

I Had good feelings about King Robert’s Warhammerthat let me win the Worst matchup against Targaryen Fealty

Future changes: -2 Tears of Lys +2 Support of the People I really had trouble when I don’t saw the Red Keep especially in the two games that i loss ( Swiss , and Top 8 ) against Baratheon Fealty

And i’m thinking about Counting Coppers maybe for the Noble cause

“Give me back my spear, Uncle. Cersei sent us a head. We should send her back a bag of them. - Obara Sand

7 comentarios

academo 550

Great showing. Do you want a claim 2 during the tourney or you’re ok with the lack of it? I’m surprised by the absence of Arianne! Do you cut her during the process or just don’t need her trick in the challenge phase? I’m thinking about the sinergy with Stannis and with the baratheon army. Interesting deck. Kudos!

Lawyer 426

@academothank you for your comment! I played this deck since the release of the core set, all the changes comes from the plyatest and advice of meta mates. In my first version i also played Arianne Martell he is great, but i have enough amd icons but the real reason of the cut, is that i have a lot of hight cost char, and i prefer to have one more Littlefinger, but what you say is true, have a good sinergy with Stannis to have one more standing char but i like her during the first games, in combo with Davos.

I don’t really feel the lack of claim 2 plots i prefer control effects, and economy. Probably the only one plot that i would play, but that is not a claim 2 ( properly ) is A Clash of Kings for initiative, and the reaction that helps to gain more powers also because the deck is really slow.

Probably i will go down to 60 cards :)

SizemattersHS 14

@LawyerWhat playstyle type do u consider this deck is, if you know what I mean?

Lawyer 426

@YellowJacket If you mean Ned, Shagga or Jaime type of deck or player imho this is a Shagga deck i was really amazed by Confinement.

Baratheon is a really strong house and don’t really need a Banner and as i said, the fealty one is better, but the idea of add more control to the deck was a challenge.

Of course is a control deck that need patience to be played.

If I have not answered to your question , let me know what you mean ;)

SizemattersHS 14

@LawyerYes .. i just wanted to hear the word “Control” and im sold =) Thanks. Cheers

SizemattersHS 14

@LawyerWhy do u say Bara/Fealty is better? Does any cards from TtB champer pack makes the deck better?

Lawyer 426

@YellowJacketJust because the Fealty agenda ( for each house ) gives an important support to the deck economy, allowing you to play especially events. In Adding, the Banner agenda, with a limited card pool require to play 12 cards of the Bnner house, and they are not always good cards. In this deck, i need only Confinement but i don’t really need for example House Dayne Knight, Desert Scavenger, Edric Dayne.

Anyway, in this moment each fealty deck is better IMHO, and there are few Banner mixes really good now but i had a lot of fun playing this deck and with a few changes i think that could be better