martell wars (Feast For Crows II Top 16)

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Bookerman 71

I like to play martell wars to come but it was too slow. But now, Red Viper (Core) is unrestricted. He can make this deck go really fast.

The main plan is to hold back your opponent until plot 3-5. Then, playing Doran's game or Red Viper or a combination of both can claim the victory.

• To the Spears works great with Red Viper as well as Host of the Boneway and Knights of the Sun. Going for a double renown or intimidate is always a plus.

• First snow and Ghaston Grey helps to slow down your opponent.

•Political Disaster is mainly against Martell, Greyjoy, shadows and builders. Personally, I prefer to lose some locations rather than lose the battle.

•Ser Cletus Yronwood can do miracles in initiative.

•Closing To the Spears, renown, Doran's Game and Red Viper are plenty of combinations to win.

Biggest nemeses are crossing, which they go super fast and attrition decks.

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