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browny33 21
Very Flexible deck, lots of jumpers and bastards
lots of Icon removal
usually open up with Dorans behest into Riddle/Harvest/Peace and Prosperity to get a good start
Deck has a lot of control and seems to get pretty good mid to late game
Ellaria can be key, use her to trigger Doran and Dorne
Need a lot of econamy
Try to save Seal of the Hand for Viper
icon removal in general good vs multi challenge characters
at certain points with Ellaria down important to have strong initiative
- lay waste your own Dorne to Starfall or Ghaston Grey if needed
- lay waste a 2 cost attachment to an early Gates of the Moon for eco (Strangler / Hotahs Axe Venom Blade)
- lay waste to a clucth milk or icon removal(Strangler / Hotahs Axe Venom Blade)
probably needs more power gain some where?
- not a lot of dupes, key chars can die