Golden Dragon Take-Out Order

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FlabberMcFizzleJerky 27

This deck takes the pair of Khal Drogo and Jaime Lannister and uses high claim plots to murder every character that stands in your way to victory.

A perfect run looks something like this: First turn, Sneak attack a military challenge to wipe initial characters, followed by either Marched to the Wall to pick up a singleton after the initial onslaught, or Confiscation, Wildfire, or Calling the Banners depending on game state for the next few turns. Goal is to bring out both Drogo and Jaime, and then mop up with Winds of Winter and Sneak Attack.

This deck was focused for military challenges, but it happens to also boast a strong power challenge capability as well. Lannister is bannered not only for Jaime, but to bring in some needed economy and shore up the lacking Intrigue. Tyrion has some great interactions here, such as using him for a power challenge and squeezing through with his stealth, turning on Plaza of Punishment to nab a character that would have otherwise been a military claim soak, meaning a greater chance for the military claim to take out better targets. He can also initiate an intrigue just to generate some money for a surprise Dracarys! or other event/ambush.

Overall, I feel that this deck is very aggressive and has a good shot at being competitive. However, I've not played GoT 1.0, and so some of my understandings may be limited, and as such I'd greatly welcome any feedback regarding tweaks that could be made to the deck.

3 comentarios

rjamesking 1

Having played against this I have to say that it's powerful, and a bit painful.

The_Mynock 1

Seems like there a lot of good interaction here, but have you found having the maximum number of Khal Drogos and Sneak Attacks in a deck to be a problem?

FlabberMcFizzleJerky 27

@The_Mynock After some more playtesting, I've found x3 of Khal Drogo To be sometimes a blessing and sometimes a bit of a curse. Getting a dupe on Drogo is great, and I've seen him nearly every game. However, he has a tendency to stick in the hand while waiting for a good time to pay for him. I'd also imagine that getting him killed would be a pain due to dead draw, but I've not actually had him get killed yet, generally due to not playing him till I can make good use of the x2 challenges. I definitely could see dropping the third as a flex slot - a Little Bird for Tears of Lys protection and to shore up the missing , or a Seal of the Hand to let Drogo attack both challenges, or just to another another weenie filler to lower the cost curve.

So far, I've found Sneak Attack x2 to almost never be a bad decision. Using one as an opener, and the other as a closer or a way to ensure you pick off key characters before they get a chance to attack is huge. I've used it multiple games, where after a solid The Winds of Winter turn where I got close but didn't pull the win that turn, I could quickly follow up with the sneak and slip the last point or two in before the opponent has a chance to disrupt. I will concede that sneak is anti-synergistic with Drogo, and because of that it may be better to run a second Winds instead, but it is hard to give up the assured initiative that sneak gives.