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robrobrobwright 36
This deck tries to exploit what Martell is great at… playing a strategic long game with lots of surprises. On reflection it needs more Renown or Doran’s Game but alas, they got cut. I welcome suggestions on how I can make it close efficiently.
The deck has lots of small characters so you can mulligan quite aggressively for the tools that you need: Bastard Daughter, Desert Raider and Attainted are good to have early on. Dorne is strong but not essential. Arianne, Nymeria and Ellaria are luxuries in the early game, try not to let them die. It has various tricks to remove icons and characters from the challenge/play, normally these are worth saving but against Greyjoy/rush you may need to use them early. With Ellaria in play it’s good to go first but the economy locations reward going second so perhaps could be slicker. I open with Peace and Prosperity so long as I have a location/attachment. Then normally Besieged to slow the game down before one of the economy plots, probably Trading.
The main intent of the deck is then to trigger Rains into The Long Plan, with lots of gold before playing Valar D. This may not work the first time, hence the second economy plot, Calling the Banners with high initiative. Ideally you want to use The Iron Bank Will Have it’s Due but be careful on all the cards that need faction kneels. I’ve seen a deck that flips into Valar M but this then needs a faction kneel on Rains to trigger claim whereas I preferred to use Valar D as my reset so that I can use TIBWHID, often getting 20+ gold on my reset turn.
Rains is generally good but use carefully so as not to overcommit. It has strong removal in Breaking Ties and The Red Wedding (very few lords/ladies in this deck), also Varys’s Riddle for opponent’s Counting Coppers or Bullding Orders, etc. You typically end up with lots of small characters on the board, which isn’t great but means you can push through 3 challenges and not give up any unopposed.
Jaquen, Varys and Lysa are removal options, Lysa particularly for locations, which Martell can’t otherwise control. Power Behind the Throne can stand Jaqen or Ellaria, which can be very impactful. Again, try not to let Jaqen die; Last of the Giants is more intended for the other two or if desperate. Rains can be triggered on defence if desperate or a particular opportunity but is quite costly to do so.
It’s a shame I haven’t been able to put a close in as the deck seems to control others well. Any ideas?
used this deck yesterday, works a treat! :>)