6th place Online Worlds 2023

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Martell Wipe - Stahleck 2022 ( 5-3; 3-1) 10 4 0 1.0
Inspiración para
Ninguno todavía.

TRYHRDRf1sh 35

Well, this is the first time I finished an event in a "post-worthy“ position. So even if this deck is nothing new or creative - just very effective and overall I think the best deck for online-thrones at the moment - I will just go ahead and seize the opportunity to post a deck here for the first time.

I want to thank the organizers and the Global Operations Team for their incredible dedication to the game. I rarely find the time to play and practice - so I am astonished how much time and effort you are able and willing to put into this. We all benefit from that and get to keep on playing this amazing game. Chapeau!

With that being said: #MartellOPplzrestrict! :P

So did I only chose this deck, because I thought it was the overall strongest (imho)? No, or at least only partially. I chose to play this deck because it covers my big weakness: big boards and challenging challenges phases with a lot to watch out for…

The main difference of this version, compared to the other Martell KHHs (as far as I saw) in the tournament was that I did not run a restricted card. Why? I did not have time to adapt / test with the new RL and so I decided to just keep the list I had and at least had played some games with. If I had had the time however, I would have loved to go in a direction with a little bit more claim - using YWOYD and maybe Desperate Attack - but I am not sure if that would really have been a better choice.

  • R1: Lannister Alliance - WIN
  • R2: Greyjoy Fealty - WIN
  • R3: Martell Rains - WIN
  • R4: Targaryen Trident - WIN
  • R5: Martell KHH - LOSS
  • R6: Nightswatch Rains - LOSS
  • TOP 32: Baratheon Free Companies - WIN
  • Top 16: Martell Rains - WIN
  • Top 8: Martell KHH - LOSS

Cheers to my bro @Yuleooze who unfortunately had to drop although he made the cut with a Martell WTC that is way more fun than this piece of … to quote @Rein: „So ein Schweinsdeck“. Special thanks to @SGE for making me catch my train. :)

1 comentario


I like your deck a lot. Congrats for your 6th place!

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken!