This is something!!! Stahleck TOP 4, NEVER "defeated"

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Raius 642

Hello my beloved thones community,

So, this is it. My DECK for Stahleck 2024. It went through a few changes. From Conclave to Fealty. From 3 Saved by the Watch to none.

If someone is interested in deeper discussion about my deckbuilding decissions, I will be more than happy to answer it. Any comments on the deck will be much appreciated.

Because I was so paranoid that someone will copy my deck If I play it publicaly, I have played only limited amount of testing games. I would like to thank to you guys, who have helped me to test this nasty the most. AlexFdez, Khal Tassos and Floydos. I know it was frustrating and I am deeply grateful you did it anyway.

So. Why the name of the deck. Since first Fealty version, I knew this deck is phenomenal. Most of you who knows me well knows that I am not very confident guy, but with this pet in my hands I was so bold stating I am going to win our Nats and possible even Stahleck. I did only one of it, but wasn't that far away from having both. I am saying that just to show my loyalty to this deck and how I believed in it.

This is link to our Nats - 7:0

There was really only one matchup vs Mattes, who was close to the win. Congratz on that and also his Stahleck performance, going so far and being the best Stark player. That's really impressive.

Stahleck is completely different kind of tournament. Only the atmosphere can consume you and you need to stay focused way longer, but there is nothing I would enjoy more than that. That's one fo the reasons why I never use my BYE as a Nationals winner. I want to play and fight from the scratch.

I will try to write up some report about the joust tournament, but I don't remember much, so sorry if there are any mistakes and feel free to correct me in the comments.

Everyone I played with was really nice, so I will skip the part when I will praise how everyone was great. Each of you guys deserve Gentleman trait <3

Round 1 Win vs. DrBoeserich Targaryen – Banner of the Watch

The start was quite slower for me, but I remember DrBoeserich ran out of econ and at that point was short on money and wasn't able to setup the board.

Round 2 Win vs. TeoOo Night's Watch – Aloof And Apart

This game was good for me. I used naval T1 vs Maiden and was able to attrition the board and at the point TeoOo get on the table, I win.

Round 3 Win vs. Kim Stark – Fealty

In this game I was quite ahead. and I remember Kim conceded plot 6 before I played my valar on a full board, where he had 2 duped characters. Who knows how it would go if we continued.

Round 4 Loss vs. Alex (France) Greyjoy – Fealty

I have not tested about Greyjoy at all and was quite affraid to start with the testing at Stahleck, especialy versus Alex, but the game was quite interesting. He had bad setup with Dagmer Cleftjaw (TS). I marched him and took with Wall. Alex used Valar cause it could cause a lot of harm to him. He also WDNS Wall this turn, so I was short by 6 gold. Wasn't able to defend all challanges at this point. Last plot it was Marched vs Valar M, when 2 risens was already played. I had Clydas in hand and on table, so witht hat in mind I risked to use Marched first, but Alex had it and saved Victarion. At the same round I forgot to use nope Throne to call Nightamers and it was there again. So it ended up 13:14 on time.

Round 5 Win vs. Rene Baldauf Greyjoy – Kings of Winter

The only thing I remember was me, having Balon Greyjoy (KotI) with 2 Botley Crew. Can't really imagine much better outcome for me.

Round 6 Win vs. Nikolaus Mölders Lannister – "The Rains of Castamere"

Naval Superiorityinto Late Summer Feast. That was basicaly over.

Round 7 Win vs. Pulpodzilla Greyjoy – Sea of Blood

I think I did Naval T1 as well, but not really sure. Have defended Balon Greyjoy (Core) with Forest Patrol and since the point I have dominated the game.

Round 8 Win vs. Reinhard Schefcik Targaryen – The Brotherhood Without Banners

Reinhard is close to me and I was happy that we were already in the cut, so we don't eliminate each other. I was very confident in this matchup and I think it went 15:0 for me, but at this point, he knew my deck perfectly, cause he also played my friend who doesn't play much and asked me for the list for Stahleck.

With 7:1 I was granted to play TOP 16 directly.

Top 16 Win vs. saraaa Stark – The Lord of the Crossing

I wasn't sure If I can win this one, honestly. Besides the games at Nationals and Stahleck I haven't played a single test game vs Stark, but I knew Saraaa can be really fast. I was lucky enough to stop her at about 11 powers and she was never able to the end. You were doing really great! Congratz on your result.

Quarterfinals Win vs. Francis Cote Lannister – "The Rains of Castamere"

It was really nice to meet Francis in person. Basicaly everything important happened T1. I have opened Valar vs his At the gates. Francis marshalled duped Cersei and some other character while I was left with 7 cards in hand and 1 gold and 1 standing location. Francis attacked with Cersei and decided not to use Rains cause I still had to discard on reserves. Then he was okay to allow me to go out with Forest Patrol, altought he had Treachery (which I was affraid of, but still knelt my second Underground Vault in order to get a gold I did not need) and at that point I was able to mutiny the other character and arched the duped Cersei. This was pretty much over. If we would avoid our second mistakes, the game was basically about the rains trigger decission and 33% chance to discard Mutiny At Craster's Keep. Still well done, very nice result and congratz. Being in TOP 8 on your first Stahleck is very impressive.

Semifinals Loss vs. Reinhard Schefcik Targaryen – The Brotherhood Without Banners

As I said before, I was quite confident about this matchup, but it didn't went that well. Reinhard was able to marshall most of his characters duplicated. I couldn't see a single Mutiny At Craster's Keepnor Castle black to fight his intimidates. Lady Stoneheart was a pain for me and I didn't feel comfortable Valar soon. I might make one mistake, when I claimed Coldhands in order to oppose power, which could be important next turn on valar - marched, but that was it. My next turn I had 0 cards and draw locations and Reinhard ran over me with Missandeiand Ghost of High Heart with Renown. I was able to strike back next turn, but time was called and I was short by 1 or 2 powers. 10-12 I think. Congratz mate, you fought well!

So, that was it. I am only sorry I didn't drive my deck as well as it would deserved. Altought I have recorded 2 losses, It was always on time and always very close on power. I am proud to have such a great partner to play with.

Thanks a lot to everyone who I met and had a chance to talk or play with. Congratz to our Finalists. They both deserved the finals. Thanks to you Schwaig and Pheline together with other people involved in TO team, DT, AGOT and anyone else who is spending their free time in keeping this awesome game and community alive.


Always 4th :)


"I shall wear no crowns and win no glory"

9 comentarios

Floydos 59

Nice job!!! I will have nightmares about NW cards for a long, long time :)

Serwus 147

You'll make something even better next year :)

SGE 257

Great deck and great run. I’m sure one day you will take it to the end.

Best regards mate.

mak 324

Congrats Raius!

Schwaig 41

You would have deserved the champion title very much my friend. Thanks for the kind words and congratulations again on your incredible performance!

audioslavexxx 133

Congratulations on your great performance and for the beautiful deck!

SerCarter 274

I am actually glad I didn't have to face you in the finals. This looks terrifying. Hopefully we will have the chance to play next year :)


Great deck!

Raius 642

Thanks for nice words guys ❤️