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I wanted to share the deck that make me King of Swiss this year at Stahleck, which is something i never dreamed about.
I will try to give an explanation of every deck building decision, and then a small report of the tournament, for which I would apologize in advance because I didn't take notes and some of the games are blurred and mixed in my head
The deck: History
The idea to make a competitive smuggler deck was always there. Salladhor and Khorane are very good cards, but there was no way to exploit Khorane ability efficiently. Also, Baratheon kneeling control was not a thing anymore, outside of the shadows deck, too much standing effects (looking at you, Stark and Targaryen) and Melisandre being limited to one trigger make it very difficult, so, for that kind of deck, Khorane was the way.
And then, last year, a card that will start the spark of this deck appeared, Prince of the Narrow Sea, along with another card released a couple of pack before, Sellsails, we had two powerfull cards to add to the mix. First attempts were not very good, I tried with Banner of the Falcon agenda, for the Initiative reduction, but the drawback of carrying 12 Arryn cards was too bad.
Next option, and the one that I toke to Madrid tournament 2023 only with one day testing, was with Rains of Castamere, adding a R’hllor pack. The result was bad (2-3), and the feeling were not really good.
Finally, I decide to give it a shot to the Free Companies agenda, if the deck was focusing in standing Khorane, let’s give and extra coin to Sellsails each plot. Vargo Hoat and a few more bestow cards were added, to maximize the agenda. After this, the deck started to perform a lot better, but still have issues, as it was too slow claiming power, leading to some time looses even when having the board controlled. Finally, I decide to drop the R’hllor pack completely, as one extra kneeling was not relevant, and go full-bestow. Fickle bannerman were a good addition, as increased the speed of the deck, while The Iron Bank give the deck stability, as is not a cheap deck.
I take the deck to the Spanish Nationals 2023 (TOP 4) and then too Stahleck 2023 with a “bad” result, 4-4, after doing questionable changes in the deck while on the plane. The large part of the defeats was against rushy decks. After that I let the deck to rest, knowing which was the main weakness.
While I keep doing changes to the deck when a new pack was released, I returned to active testing it around summer, as I always intended to go back to Stahleck with it. I managed to win a couple of Saturday tournaments with it, and make it again to the semi-finals of the Spanish Nationals. While still suffering against small chuds rush decks, it was performing better and Tyrell White book (which was an almost impossible pairing) was gone, the main weakness was to survive an early First Snow, so prior to Stahleck I decided to increase a little bit the curve, which proved to be a good call. Finally, the last good decission, was not touching the list during the plane trip.
The deck: Cards
Plots: The crown makes you play low initiative cards, so the options are limited. Also, the deck cards don’t contain a lot of draw, so it needs to be incorporated via plot
At the Gates: Good opener, allows you to fetch the King’s Gate or Great Hall depending on your hand. I usually prefer the Gate, to have a draw option in the future.
Bran the Builder: As a heavy location list, this plot needs to be played, even if it has a “high” Initiative. This plot is too good, and I saw it in almost every game I played, good gold, good reserve and draw. Normally it will be played as second plot, and use it to fetch the Iron Bank or some warships
Summons: Welcome back to 2015! 0 Initiative and fetch for the big guy that you need, or a duplicate. I never regret to play that. Normally it’s played as 2 or 3 plot.
Close Call: This deck has a lot of duplicated characters, so being able to resuscitate one of them it’s great. Furthermore, 0 initiative and a card draw.
Siege Preparations: As mentioned, this deck doesn’t draw a lot, so being able to replenish your hand, it’s a good thing. The only inconvenient, is that it has 1 initiative value.
The Father: The restricted card of the deck. High gold, 0 inititiave and an ability that allows you to prepare the board for a good valar, or even to remove a power charge guy or a voltron character. The deck contains some low cost unique to gain gold advantage, if it’s not used to prepare for VM.
Valar Morghulis: A lot of people was surprised for the Valar. But it has 0 initiative, so we can jump to the hand one character without duplicate, and there are a lot of copied characters that have the chance to survive. Iron bank will provide the gold to do a good marshalling after VM.
Begging Brother: Mandatory in a Free companies deck. No much to say, cancelling opponent thing it’s always good.
Beric Dondarrion: A big guy that fits perfectly in the strategy of the deck. Solid x1.
Devan Seaworth: It always have been an underplayed card, but in this deck it’s just awesome. Never bestow him on marshalling, just use Vargo reaction or the event. You can plan your challenge in order to win Dominance, and once sure, use the agenda on him, then fetch for the Iron Bank or a Warship.
Fickle Bannerman: Yes, they are risky, but for sure they pay off, 3 gold 5 STR renown it’s just very good, they even allow you to rush sometimes. With Vargo you can copy the renown while giving them an extra coin. Just be a bit careful if the board is not controlled, but with Vargo, agenda or the event, the risks are not that high, and think about having 2 of them together in the table. I was considering until the end replace one of them for the 3 Begging Brother or for another 4 cost character, so it’s a change that can be explored.
Jon Arryn: Insight? Yes please. Good target for Vargo. Sometimes marshall him only to die, and claim the power you need or the cards.
Khorane Sathmantes: The star of the deck. Just trigger him as much as you can, it has no limits in times or is limited to a certain phase, so read the game, and trigger him where you think it’s best. Trigger him in standing, bounce back him with the crown, and trigger him in marshalling again, and if you have bestowed sellsails, the sky is the limit.
Lyseni Pirate: One of the last changes was to include a second one, as they are important for surviving First Snow. Honestly, I think I always underestimate them, the ability to steal gold from cards or the goldpool proved to be very annoying to the rival, making them to play events before, or helping me to win doms. Furthermore, they will have stealth 99% of time.
Mord: Also, one of the last additions to the deck, and he proved me right. A milk that I can change every round, and that I can trigger any phase. He was even the election of Summons plot on one game.
Robert Baratheon: What to say about him? Totally adaptable to every game. Don’t be afraid to use him to keep the big guys knelt, with Sellsails and the crown, you will be able to stand or marshall again Salladhor and Khorane. He is the guy that you need to Summon early against rush decks.
Salladhor Saan: Tricon? Yes. Location Control? Yes Gold Genereation? Also yes. And with the attachment he will gain renown. He is just very good in this deck.
Salladhor Saan's Lyseni: Another big guy that can generate a lot of power with the deck, considering all the locations that can be knelt. Solid x1.
Sellsails: This deck will not exist without them. Being able to stand any Smuggler (or warships) with a cost 2 no-unique character it’s just crazy. If you have two, you can do it twice per phase, so let the Khorane party start! Or sometimes you just want to stand a renown Salladhor to rush. They are totally versatile.
Ser Davos Seaworth: Character with the appropriate trait, stealth, and that bounce back to your hand, furthermore, it can gain renown with his ship
Ser Imry Florent: Tons of locations in this deck, so do the maths, if you can close the game, trigger him. Also, usable as desperate move, specially with the Iron Bank, that you can sacrifice all the other economy.
Vargo Hoat: Bestow enabler, tricon, and keywords on demand. No reason to not play him x3 while using this agenda.
Wily Smuggler: Every deck needs claim soaks. This one has the appropriate trait and a good ability that allows you to protect your cards from intrigue claim.
Prince of the Narrow Sea: I already explained how good it is, allowing you to save character from when revealed, or just doing additional kneel. With the Iron Bank, you can bounce back the big smugglers. Mandatory x3
Unbridled Generosity: Free bestows, no much to say.
Economy pack: The Iron Bank it’s one of this deck enablers, generating tons of gold. The deck is expensive, so it facilitates things a lot. Then 6 limited locations to make 10 economy Locations, I think I will try to play without roseroads and with King’s gate, to put more draw options-
The warship pack: 8 warships seemed to be the appropriate number after testing. Yes, they’re mainly fuel for Khorane, but the abilities must not be never forgotten, sometimes you will prefer to trigger them. Lyseni Galley ability to add strength and probably a Stealth must not be underestimated, same as Laughing Lord giving intimidate (Salladhor can be 4 STR Intimidate Renown Stealth, and then you can copy with Vargo), Fury can clean power, and Black Betha can give a challenge on their one. Then Wraithcan kneel locations on demand.
The Moon Door: How I missed to play it x2. It’s good with the Crown, as it makes sure that you will loose any initiative when you play a 0 card, it will win some dominations on his own. And furthermore, it will block a lot of tables if played together with Wraith, or if you have Khorane standing
Round 1: morbiczer (Targ Free Companies)
Lyseni pirates clean the bestows he played. He put a seized on my bank which delayed me, but Khorane showed and controlled the board after the reset, leading to the win.
Round 2: Roberto Casas (Stark Fealty)
He started really strong, marshalling Maege and Daisy Mormont plus a lot of low cost character. I played Robert which only allowed Maege to stand. He used Heir to the Iron Throne to find Robb, but a Begging Brother cancel it, after that he milked Robb and play Fast Eddard, I marshalled duplicated Khorane and flip to Valar in the next plot. After that Khorane and Sellsails where able to control the board and take the win.
Round 3: Zhenya (Bara Wars)
He played a deck mixing R’hllor and smugglers. He marshalled Melisandre, I marshalled Khorane, and Khorane kneels more than Melisandre, so I was able to gain the control of the table and claim the victory
Round 4: Klofinger (Bara Free Companies)
I thought it was a mirror, but it was a Bestow good stuff deck. He started strong with Vargo and Axel Florent. I did Valar and then marshalled stronger table than him, which eventually lead to victory.
Round 5: Mattes (Stark Hollow Hill)
I wanted to have a setup with many characters as possible, but only was able to get 1 with tons of locatiosn. The poor lyseny pirate was sacrificed to the hour of the wolf, and then he marshalled Jon Umber + She Bear with Ice. I marshalled Salladhor kneeling my own warship to gain 2 gold, and then Sellsails and the Moon Door. As I had also Wraith, She-Bear was not able to attack, so I was able to stop the Military with both and a Lyseni Galley, then stand Salladhor and kill She- Bear. Next plot he played Harrenhall, that killed my Khorane, but Marshalled a duplicated Robert Baratheon, at that point he was not able to clean my table so I keep the control of the board until reaching 15 powers.
Round 6: Alex (Greyjoy Fealty)
He kicked me out of one Stahleck top, and two CoW top, so I known that this game was to be hard. I started with Robert Baratheon, so he valar plot 2 saving Alannys with Risen, then proceed to build a table with Euron and Asha and the board. I minimize the damage with Khorane with the crown, and valared as soon as he had no cards in hand, using the Crown to bounce Khorane to hand. He marshalled Victarion after Valar, but he got blanked by Mord, and kneel by Khorane. After that Beric came on my side and Balon on his side, Beric kept Balon knelt while Victarion was blanked again by Mord, i marshalled Sellsails and was able to kneel everything in the next standing phase. He played return to the fields sacrificing the board to get new characters, but I was able to control and claim the win
Round 7: Albert Lorenzo (Targ SoB)
Playing a friend in Stahleck table one it’s simply great. We known each other deck at the detail, so no many surprises. His plot deck hurts me, but I can control Womb, Plaza and the big chars. I started without economy but with duplicated Khorane and Sellsails, plus Salladhor in hand, so I contolled the board. He played first snow, and then was able to burn Salladhor, and then sending the smuggler army to the wall, but he couldn’t get rid of Khorane, who controlled the board along with the sellsails, allowing me to claim the win.
Round 8: tomas.hrnciar (Stark Trident)
He started really strong with Catelyn, Crannogmen, Jojen and Dacey, and he triggered the agenda to HoS, and played another one in the next plot, leaving me with one card in hand. I summoned into Mord, so Dacey was no longer a thread, and started taking control of the board with Salladhor and Khorane. When he played Mad kings, i marshalled Imry and knell the whole table to claim the victory-
TOP 16- Reinhard Schefcik (Targ Brotherhood)
After the first marshalling i had Vargo, Sellsails, Salladhor and a reducer, plus 2 or 3 economy locations and Laughing Lord, against his Jorah, Ghost of the High Heart triplicated and Jaqen duplicated,plus a shadow and economy.I was going first, so I thought that i will be able to intimidate Jaqen, but as first action he proceeds to nightmare the Laughing Lord, making me impossible to defend a Jaqen with stealth, and he killed Vargo. I summoned into Khorane, but I only had one warship and he get queensguard out of shadows and recruited Tormund. I entered in survival mode trying to delay him and trying to get a Valar situation. Boats were not coming, and my board was smaller every round. I played The Father, and marshall Robert, the only unique character in my hand, having a duplicated Khorame, expected to use the father to bounce back Robert taking Jaqen copy, but he played snow, so no claim soak for me, I take a copy from Khorane for claim and then choose him for The Father, he saved Jaqen and then I Valared. He marshalled stronger than me and get into 13, but I was starting to build a table getting Moon Door to stop a lot of his characters, plus I also draw more warships making Khorane effective with a Sellsails, getting me the board control, sadly, after 8 plots, the time was over, and I lost 11-6.
Thanks to Schwaig and Philine for another great year in Stahleck, you manage to keep delivering us an incredible experience every year, and we cannot thank you enough.
Thanks to GOT team for keeping the game alive in a good shape.
And thanks to all the Catalan meta, for the hours of deck building, testing, chatting, playing boardgame or having fun. We make each other better players for sure. Albert, Marti, Eric, Ermengol, Pulpodzilla, SerCarter, Lannister,Hidra, Hansen, Estupe, Paul, Marti, Ricard, Hector… thank you for that weekend! And Charly, Reico, Areindal, I expect you to join us next year
To all the players of the world, to make a great community that makes us keeping playing.
If someone have any doubt, comment, or question, I will be happy to read it and answer.
10 comentarios |
Congrats on being the king of swiss! Awesome deck that I want to try out, smugglers are cool! |
Congrats Sir King of Swiss 👑 🧀! Khorane is definitely a strong control card — A blend between Victarion (R) and Core Mel. |
Incredible Deck! I already got a peek after the game against Rein. Impressive build and great endurance, not abandoning the idea after the setbacks. Congratulations on your performance and maybe try to avoid the curse of the King of Swiss next year ;) |
Amazing deck, even better player and even better person. |
I love love love this deck. I played against the prototype last year's Sthaleck during the 3v3's with Alberto piloting it I believe and it was memorable then. So cool to see Smuggler's shine. Well done! |
So tired of this deck dude! haha Congrats for your great run my friend! Power of the Stag! |
How it works against control and shadow decks? Like Hollow Martell, KoS Tryell or RoC Lann |
Congratulations for your performance! The Magic hat combo is so strong 😀 |
Thank you all for your kind words.
Hey man, it was a pleasure to see your deck working against me, congrats on your performance!