Breaker of Cats' Chains —— China National 2nd by Cat

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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Ninguno todavía.

猫导演Cat 30

Hi guys! I'm Director Cat.I’m glad to post my first deck here.I created this 100% original deck on March this year, inspired by my six cats.

This deck is afraid of a great amount of predators cards. But since I created it myself and have already played 400+ games with it, I successfully dealt with most predators cards and made it won 90 games in the last 100 games.

However, other players will find it too hard to beat those predators cards. For your record, I only win 22 games in the first 100 games. So I don’t think this deck has the ability to spread and I wouldn't recommend most players to try it.

What made me from bottom place last year to 2nd place this year was 100% original deck. So I strongly recommend everyone to try making their own ones and staying committed to it!!

6 comentarios

Superduck 160

Congrats! This is a really really amazing deck!

See you next final!

猫导演Cat 30

@Superduck THX!! See u next year!

Req 33

100% agree on the concept of not giving up on your personal deck, you'll bring it to success eventually!

猫导演Cat 30

@Req Exactly! That's the real charm of this game.

Comm 48

Incredible deck ! I'm impressed.

30 chars only for a 75 cards deck, and 30 attachments, this sure isn't for beginners and needs a lot of practice.
And no character costing more than 2 !

Congratulation for building this deck and getting so many wins with it !

A few questions, if you don't mind:

  • You have only 1 Lady, Myrcella, and only 1 Lord, Viserys (very cool to see this version played, by the way), but some cards need a Lord or Lady to work (Seal of the Hand, Bodyguard, Irri, Jhiqui, etc.): what do you do when both Myrcella and Viserys are in the dead pile? Or if you don't draw any of them?
  • I'm surprised by 2x Grey Worm's Spear. Why not replace 1 copy by:
    • A 3rd Dragon Egg, to have better draw?
    • Or by Warrior's Braid, to have one more Renown option?
    • Or by Mercenary contract, to have one more stand option?
  • Speaking of draw, you don't have many. Hasn't this ever by an issue? How do you recover after First Snow of Winter, Mad King's Command or VM?

猫导演Cat 30

@Comm Thx for your comment! ! For Q1: Irri and Jhiqui are both fine if no lord or lady on board. They are unique Dragon chars costing 2, which makes them capable to become our center char. And Bodyguard is only meant for saving Viserys in VM its not necessary. Seal of the hand is a worse replacement for restricted Queensguard. Five 3 costs attachments are necessary, they mean a lot in some case. Besides, they can just be the cost of plaza if no appropriate char in play. For Q2: Because it is so important for this deck to beat your opponent by strength, especially in the first and second round. Spear can be important if Breaker and Tokar not in play. For Q3: I played 400+ games just for learning how to recover after these plots. But its too complicated to explain in 1000 words. Anyhow, Draw isnt the key to recovery, Dragon Egg is enough for me in most cases. Of course, you can get a Siege Preparations, its also a spare plot for me.