Daniele Citro 2nd place at D20 Rome weekly tournament

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Astinus 7

This was the deck I faced in the final match of a 13 men tournament in Rome, Italy.

It’s a Greyjoy fealty with a couple of twist, mostly the 1x Iron Throne and the lack of Put to the swords, which were put aside in favor of more copies of The Seastone Chair

2 comentarios

Greak 1

man only 5 characters with intrigue, with Little Bird still too few. my guess is you reduced his hand to 0 lol

Astinus 7

he opened with a chump and [[Balon Greyjoy]] with little bird and a dupe, then proceeded to draw a third copy and to save him from my dracarys with risen of the see. Then he got [[Great Kraken]] the next turn

The whole game was me trying to not lose Daenerys from his military challenges while slowly gaining the upper hand in power tokens and going wide thanks card advanteges provided by dany’s insight and [[Counting Coppers]] .

His double [[Sneak Attack]] wasn’t really helping against me and was actually slowing his power token generation to the point I managed to get the game going first with [[A Clash of Kings]] vs [The Kraken Grasp].

The game overall was a bit messy due our fatigue, it was the fifth game in a row and we both had two very tiring semifinals

This was my deck: thronesdb.com