Burn the Weeds - King of Swiss and 2nd at BD Cosmos Store Ch

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megehman 46

Went 5-0 in the swiss, and lost to Lanni Rose in Top 2. I’ve always enjoyed this deck and is probably my favorite deck in game at the moment. Thinking back on it I should probably played this instead of the CAR DECK!!!! in New York but I had so much fun with it so c’est la vie. MVP was definitely Margaery.

R1: Greyjoy Fealty, stopped his Balon from stomping over me with Marg, and killing his stealth dudes with Tears.

R2: Greyjoy BotLion, played successive renown guys (Drogo, Randyll) with Dany and overtook him fast.

R3: Targaryen BotRose mirror, Dracarys’d his Dany first turn and he had no recovery after that.

R4: Targaryen Fealty, it boiled down to a Dany battle and mine had the +3 from Marg every round, I slowly just took control of the game stopping his Dany insight while gaining card advantage on him.

R5: Lannister BotRose, The eventual winner of the tournament, he dropped Tywin, and Joff first turn, I dropped Left and Right (best cards ever) military’d him so he could ambush Burned Men in, then Tears’d Joff and Marched the next turn. From then on, it was me just rolling over him to 15 power.

Top 4: Targaryen Fealty, my round 4 opponent he saw Dany early but I trapped him with a power challenge Dracarys + Plaza win on defense that turned the game around for me. Also I had Left and Right first turn (Should I change my MVP?)

Finals: Lannister BotRose, another rematch this time he Tywin on setup. I managed to have 2x Dracarys (and 3x at one point) hoping to use my two dragons to burn Tywin down, he was very careful however to make sure that didn’t happen dropping down Marg and being very cautious of his plays. After playing Dany I was fighting to avoid the PTTS but couldn’t manage it. Stopping a potential Tears on Randyll I wasn’t able to stall out the game but it was a great match and I have no complaints. Congrats to Carl for his well deserved victory and I look forward to a rematch at the next SC!

19 comentarios

Asukarulez 1

R3: Targaryen BotRose mirror, Dracarys’d his Dany first turn and he had no recovery after that. Should have scooped right there and then.

Bronze 60

@Asukarulez Why do you find that as a scoop early on? It hurts, but I assume that you also run Fire and Blood and could even shuffle Daenerys Targaryen back in with a potential to replay her later. There are plenty of game wins where you don’t even see Daenerys Targaryen in then with wins.

Dydra 1494

Seems a waste not include “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” to help the one faction that serious draw problem atm.

Bronze 60

@Dydra “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” doesn’t draw you a card though. It’s the opposite actually. You lose a card to find better cards later. It could be argued that it is an anti draw card, because that card could have been something else useful.

PaintedHero 8

@Dydra He’d have to remove better cards to fit that in his deck, which doesn’t sound logical.

@megehman You should rename the deck #legalizeit2016

scantrell24 3334

Looks really solid. Was Plaza important enough to justify Support of the People?

megehman 46

@scantrell24I did get the Support + Plaza trigger off once, most of the tournament I used it to grab economy to put out more renown guys. So I say it was worth the include.

Asukarulez 1

@Bronzebecause he had Danny out. It was a clear mistake on turn 1, and when you screw up that bad, you can play it out for no good reason, or just scoop. The result is usually the same in thrones. Except the 2nd option, you dont waste everyone’s time.

Dydra 1494

@Bronze you play 2 plots that does Fetch for you. “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” is way better than those 2 plots and is much more flexible for other usages too. Can’t see the argument here …

PaintedHero 8

@Dydra what would you remove to include the card

Bronze 60

I am just hearing a lot of terrible comments, and this is a pretty terrible deck.

megehman 46

@BronzeWell that was rude.

ThesaurusRex 227

@Dydra 2x Summons is a better fix for low draw than The Bear and the Maiden Fair for so many reasons. 1) You never have to draw a bad card like TBMF instead of the cards you actually wanted. 2) You can dig deeper (10 cards versus 5) for a crucial character. (Dany early, Varys to wipe, Visery to unmilk Dany.) 3) You gain a card during the plot phase, rather than having to rely on draw or the draw phase.

@Bronze I’m hearing a lot of terrible comments too. Deck is solid.

Paindemic 13

@Bronze perhaps you should take a break from commenting… At least until your IQ grows bigger than your shoe size

PaintedHero 8

@Bronze sounds like he’d upset he always comes in third and never above

Asukarulez 1

@megehmanit’s like this @Bronzeguy thinks he’s some internet tough guy.

megehman 46

@AsukarulezSeems so. I’ve heard the Thrones community has quite a few of those.

Euro Bruh 90

How did you Dracary Dany first turn? Wouldn’t you need Plaza out, win a power challenge, have your Dany standing, have a dragon you can kneel and have Dracarys? How do you get that first turn?

megehman 46

@ashram7Dany went on a challenge, I had a standing Dany, a dragon and 1 gold.