Winter Kit Tournament - Saint John, NB - Tyrell N/A Winner (

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KruppSteel 3

Fairly straight forward Tyrell. Get Left & Right out, chuds for claim absorption and QoT to drop in free characters. Renown duo of Randyll and KoF to put in work all night. Varys for the Danger Zone.

Was a small field of 6 players and unfortunately our time was cut short due to the store closing (things would have most assuredly ended differently with a final cut), but even so I was able to eek out 2 Wins (15-0 vs Greyjoy BotL & 15-1 vs Lannister BotR ) and a modified loss (11-9? vs Night’s Watch BotW).

The meta from Moncton, namely the Taming Dragons gentlemen, came down to flip some cardboard! It was a great time, and I had a blast meeting Ryan, Mark, Tim, and Kyle. Check them out here for more info on their excellent podcast.

Looking forward to our next meeting gents, cheers!

Mark M.

2 comentarios

VsZeus 50

Great meeting you guys, great games and a fun deck congrats !

“VARYS !!!!!!!!!!” hahah

KruppSteel 3

Thanks VsZeus, you’ll have your chance for redemption at your store championship soon enough! ;) Looking forward to our next match brother, cheers!