Rose's Wolves (Post-TRtW)

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SizemattersHS 14

This is the deck im currently woking on at the moment. Still in playtest and find it to be good. Im still unsure on Trading with the Pentoshi and Sneak Attack, thinking of replacing both of them with another Jousting Contest and perhaps a A Clash of Kings as my end plot.

Any feedback and suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks

4 comentarios

cml 128

I think you want to keep either Trading or Sneak - or, if you want to swap them both out, make sure to replace one of them with another economy plot. You don’t want to drop down to only having 2 Econ plots. I’d try keeping Sneak Attack in, and swapping Trading for one of the other plots you mentioned - try both and see which one you’re using more often.

I’d also try testing only running 2 Highgarden and throwing an Iron Throne in here. If the goal is rapid power gain, having a big help on dominance is great for that. It will be particularly good if you try to use A Clash of Kings. And with Support of the People, you have some flexibility in going to get whichever location you need at that moment.

SizemattersHS 14

Thanks for the comments @cml. I did do some changes just a few minutes ago. I -1 Highgarden, -1 Pleasure Barge and +1 The Mander and +1 Rose Garden.

I feel with all the Lanni/Rose deck going around like crazy in the meta, Treachery just stops Pleasure Barge and also the -1 income really hurts as well.

fenom 35

I’m not keen on Sneak Attack or Trading with the Pentoshi. If your goal is power rush, I think A Clash of Kings will serve you much better than sneak, and giving money to my opponent just seems like a bad idea.

I also worry that The Mander is too much of a tempo hit at 3 gold. Running another Pleasure Barge and Paxter Redwyne to mitigate the income loss might be better.

SizemattersHS 14

Thanks @fenomFor me Sneak Attack is ok but im having second thought on Trading with the Pentoshi, giving my opponent 3 gold can really backfires on me especially to Lanni if they already has Tyrion on board.

I might just replace Pentoshi for Kings as my end plot to win those last power grabs and secure the match. Will playtest it out.