Two Guys, One Deck: Lannister Banner of the Sun (#5)

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5 comentarios

eelnoside 108

Tried this deck out yesterday at my league! managed to go 2-1, where my loss was due to a miscalculation when it came to both my opponent and I calling double Marched to the Wall. I would swap out Marched to the Wall for perhaps Wildfire Assault, as it was dearly needed between the matches played.

agktmte 1486

That is reasonable. In my few games I never needed Marched to the Wall and Wildfire Assault would have come in handy in my only difficult game.

You could definitely try that out. If so, let me know how it works for you.

Thejunkie42 1

Sunspear seems like it could be another character without issue.

Alturis 7

How do you feel the sun works as a banner vs the ever popular rose banner out of the lannisters?

I'm more partial to sun style decks, but it's SC season after all.

agktmte 1486

@AlturisI think Sun is a very strong banner. The deck is quite good. But Rose is faster. The extra Renown can end games one or two rounds sooner. The Sun deck is a bit more controlling in play style and if you have concerns about round length, then it could be too slow. If that isn't an issue, then the main difference is play style and not power level.