King in the North: Stark Fealty

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Piccplayr 9

Deck record: 2016 Winter Tournament 2W-2L 2016 Store Championship 1MW-3L

This deck plays a very long game. Most of my games get very close to 55 min, and we're lost by a very close margin.

I think this deck tries to do too many things at once. I will be trying a more focused build for stark in the future, and input is welcome!

2 comentarios

jaquen 50

I'm playing a similar deck, but I'd like to ask you the reasons of some choices:

  1. Syrio Forel is good, but IMO is too expensive for this kind of deck. I prefer to play Littlefinger 1x, since I can reduce his cost with Noble Cause;
  2. Why only one Gate?
  3. How is Winterfell Castle performing in the deck?

Thank you!

Piccplayr 9

I never have much problem getting Syrio out with this deck. He is expensive, but he has worked amazingly. I like to use his ability with Sansa or Catelyn and an ice or little bird attachment. I never liked using a noble cause for littlefinger, and the only benefit he really had for this deck was card draw. I think I will always choose Syrio over littlefinger in a stark deck.

I'm working on getting more gates, but having a hard time trading anything out for it. I know it needs the draw. Part of my problem is I always forget to use it!

Winterfell castle is amazing! I am much more willing to have a lot of unique cards because of it. My favorite is to go in with a low challenge, then use the kennel master to pull in a unique direwolf and suddenly the challenge strength increases! I love that it gives plus two to each unique participating character, and really helps against strength reducers.

Thanks for your input!