Lady Asha's Rose

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picollo 84

Hi all, I've been thinking about something new with incoming CP. Knighted+Asha + Lady Sansa's Rose sounds like fun. So I've been toying with power rush Greyjoy-Tyrell deck. So far there are no cards from new chapter pack, so I've had to place some substitutes. Could you please submit some feedback, and ideas about this deck?

Main idea is to create some kind of Voltron deck with knight (KoF or Asha) winning challenges, and gaining bonuses when those challenges were UO. Ideally you should be able to power rush enemies or via renown for your knights, or via uo challenges plus superior claims and roses.

Below you can find substitute cards I had to place as placeholder untill new chapter becames available here. Left= hedge knight Heartsbanel= knighted throwing axe= mare in heat clash of kings = kings tourney

3 comentarios

Dydra 1499

3x Left and 0x Right? In which world this is Right ... ( lol)

picollo 84

@Dydracan you please read description till the end? I wanted to use some cards from King's Peace, chapter Pack not yet ready. So I placed some placeholders, and mentioned in description what is what. THere is no Left or Right in this deck. WHen you see Left it is Hedge Knight instead.

afishisborn 215

@picolloI think you'll want to find space for Hobber as well. Being able to bring out Asha/Margaery, being a knight, and being a target for Arbor Knight give him a lot of synergy here. Also, add it stands, you gain little benefit from rubbing this as house Greyjoy. If you mained Tyrell and bannerrd Kraken, you could run Highgarden and The Mander, which are better on this deck, I think, then Great Kraken.