No Heroes, Just Deserts(3rd Place @ GG Store Champ)

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MelisandreSwagg 68

The focus of the deck is to win on tempo with minimal setup required. Not having any 6-7 cost characters makes the deck play much faster than most. Nymeria + Confinement gets the most mileage out of Tears, so it's never a dead card. Ghaston Grey + the Melisandre package punishes large characters considerably well. Seen In Flames give a lot of protection from any tricks, and Maester Cressen shores up Nymeria's Milk problem fairly well. I would say it performed exceptionally overall vs most of the meta game decks and I went undefeated in 5 rounds of swiss. The deck is a little weak in card draw, hence two Littlefinger and a Counting Coppers in the plot line. Also, because you aren't running any of the big characters, you rely on effects to give you an edge on the board. This means it has a lower end game potential than most decks. Finally, I will admit that it gains power pretty slowly without any renown characters to contribute. I find in a lot of games I will get to around 11-12 power and the last three will be a bit of a struggle as by then the board will be saturated enough that it's difficult to get UO power.

The goal of this deck was to punish the meta game decks that require big characters to do most of the work. In that regard I would say it performs very well.

I'm not interested in doing a write-up, but feel free to ask any questions.

3 comentarios

celric 414

Nice deck man. Love your event package.

PaintedHero 8

I've built a similar deck in the past and ran into the same issues with the low power gain, and of course the low draw isn't helpful either. I'm surprised to see the lack of Varys in the deck. He was always an all star in my match ups as his effect would wear away my opponents big hitters.

It will be interesting to see how this deck runs when "No Middle Ground" releases adding "First Snows of Winter" to the cardpool.

MelisandreSwagg 68

@PaintedHeroI felt like my card draw ended up being pretty okay with this setup. I considered Varys for the deck, but I just personally wasn't interested in going down that path. I felt like I had plenty of answers, but Varys is a good option for this deck.

First Snow of Winter will change a lot of things. I'm still not exactly sure what it's gonna do to the meta game. We'll just have to wait and see.