5-1 (4-0 in swiss) Arnhem pre-Batalla por el Muro

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Zeyar 139

This is my version of a Martell Crossing deck I played in a pre-Batalla por el Muro tournament in Arnhem on march 4th. I was undefeated after 4 rounds of swiss, won the semi, but lost the finals. This deck is very deceptive in that the characters seem weak and your boardstate can start off pretty weak but the deck can really make a good comeback.

game 1: Played a good friend and meta mate of mine (Slippy). He was playing Lanni/wolf and started with a tywin reducer setup. I had 2 milks for Tywin, nymeria to control jamie and an attainted for cersei. he managed to varys but i could play the viper after with some chuds for the win.

game 2: next I played Remko who was playing martell crossing with knights. I saw my good characters first and managed to steal a win with a dorans game.

game 3: I then played Thijs, the winner of the last tournament in Arnhem. He was playing targ/sun. even though doran died turn 1 to dracarys, I managed to tears his dany. he then did not really see any other key characters and a huge viper challenge or 2 sealed the win.

game 4: the last game of swiss was against Donovan, who was playing bara lion. we both had a terrible setup after mulligans, but a double milk on his mel clutched the game for me. he did not get bob out untill the last turn I believe.

elimination game 1: I was playing Thijs again, while Slippy and Donovan played the other elimination game. he had a good setup while mine was poor. he put some good early pressure on me, but after I used ghaston on his dany followed by a heads on pikes hit on dany (odds of 40%) gave me a chance to claw back in the game. after a turn without challenges due to GoT I got the viper working and played a dorans game for the win.

elimination game 2, finals: Playing Don again, we both had ok setups, but yet again I had 2 milks for mel, and a tears for both bob and jamie. the strong characters on Dons side and lack of power icons on my side however meant Don was at nine power while I was at 0. the next turn I made a big viper play but forgetting to play 1 of the 2 dorans game in my hand was a big mistake. I went up to 5 power. the next turn I did a int challenge of 35 strenght with the viper, littlefinger, 2 greenbloods, nymeria and a house dayne knight, playing a dorans game and getting up to.... 14 power. Don's tyrion and davos meant I could not defend the power challenge, which together with a painted table meant a loss. I was very tired at this point, but very happy with perfoming so well with a Martell deck at a tournament.

All my games were great fun, all my opponents were really nice guys and I had a great day.

8 comentarios

Slippy 8

Deceptively strong. Great performance! Nice to see you make Martell work :)

Zeyar 139

I was very happy with how the deck preformed, Game of Thrones was an all star plot. The only card I would consider swapping was the palace spearman, it never really had a meaningful impact for its cost, but then again, there is really no other good character choice to take its spot. Here's to hoping Quentyn Martell is a good card ;)

Avelfaltazi 1

Hello, congratulation for you performance ! Was wondering about that that you didn't run any board clear (no wilfire, no varys, not even marched) How do you deal with heavy board ?

And what do you think about the boneway ? could this be acceptable here ?

ThijsM 104

Great wins in both games. Especially the second game. Good to see Martell performing as main house. Question. Is their a sold win condition if the viper dies and did you get any late game wildfires wich prevent you from doing those big power swings with the viper ( I guess that's why you are not running wildfire yourself.

Zeyar 139

So yeah I tested the boneyard and I was not impressed. If you don't see it early, its not very effective and in my test games it got eaten by newly made lord and treachery. At the time I was low on characters, so I decided to replace the 2 boneyard with bastard daughters.

As to dealing with a big board, its quite easy. You do 2 challenges with small dudes, then throw everything in the third challenge and marvel at the strength boost stacking up.

The viper can make big power swings, but the alternate win condition is doran's game. With all the icon removal available to this deck, the high number of characters with int icons and the generally low number of intrigue icons on an opponents side, should make you able to win a intrigue challenge by 5 if you use the third challenge. As to playing around resets, I got hit by varys once and by wildfire twice and all I can say is, keep characters on hand, you wont need to flood the board as much yourself as long as you keep a good icon spread.

Also don't be afraid to wait with playing the viper until he can win you games with him. In one game I had him in my setup hand and did not play him until plot 4, where he could make a big swing. Generally your board position is not going to look very threatening to an opponent without him.

Zeyar 139

Also, important to note on the boneway doing a 0 strength challenge with a bastard daughter or greenblood trader, does not count as losing.

academo 550

Congratulations for the great performance! Just a couple of questions: How are your setup? I count 15 non setuppable cards + 8 hardly (or not optimal) setuppable cards (Traders, Areo and Viper). Do you think that the deck can recover from a bad start so you don't care or this "bad starts" just doesn't happen? How attainted worked for you? Congratulations again.

Zeyar 139

To answer your questions: hotah is great for setup, I'd gladly play him then. Traders I try to avoid but other then that, I ran the deck through the setup tester and its about 40% 3 card set up and 45% 4 card setup, so thats not to bad. Generally as long as I see enough characters, I dont mind setup to much. But thats also because of how I play the deck. A normal turn 1 and 2 is long plan into counting coppers, giving me the things I need to start working on winning from turn three onwards. I therefor also dont really mind not being able to do 3 challenges in the first 2 turns. Its all about building a boardstate, stalling your opponent and guarding yourself against wildfire and varys.

So yes I think the deck recovers quite well from "bad" setups.

Attainted was an all star card al day. It messes with euron, tywin, dany, marge, cersei, tyrion. Opening them all up for tears plays that cant be stopped due to the crossing bonus strenght.