Stark/Rose Knights Thunder Bay SC Winner

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
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Zubenhiemer 23

This is the Stark banner of the Rose deck I used to win the Thunder Bay store championship. The concept is pretty straightforward, clear up any immediate problems early on with the large amount of removal in the deck, then settle in and use your renown characters and knight tech to close. We had 7 players and the breakdown was :

x2 Stark banner Rose x1 GJ Fealty x1 Targ NA x1 Targ Fealty x1 Lanni Lords of the Crossing x1 Bara Fealty

1st Game v Targ N/A

First turn put Danny to the sword and realized my opponent was not running wildfire so from there dropped as many bodies as possible and ground out the victory on the backs of early Robb and Tarly. 1-0

2nd Game v Lanni Lords of the Crossing

This game my opponent had a lackluster setup with only Jamie and a burned men, he then went on to marshal Cerseii and Gregor. Arya's ice got canceled by treachery but a winter is coming and put to the sword meant that his board was cleared after a 2nd turn marched to the wall, and my opponent was unable to recover. 2-0

3rd Game v Stark Banner of the Rose

My final match was against a similar concept deck but with a different overall strategy, being more rush - burst oriented with Lady Sansa's Rose in place of some removal cards. It was a close game throughout but I was able to get out enough renown and knights that by 4th plot I flipped Tourney for the King and that sealed it for me.

2 comentarios

PaintedHero 8

Booo hiss!!!!

I'm joking of course, good game :)

Rookie 8

Hi Zub,

I have been piloting your deck for a few test games, I'm really struggling with card draw and being able to lock down the win. I seem to be able to get a lot of characters onto the board. But getting the kills isn't slowing down my opponents enough.