Melee Batalla 2016 Lannister banner Tyrell. Final table.

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Melee Batalla 2016 Lannister banner Tyrell. Final table mele 0 0 0 2.0

ThijsM 104

This is the deck that I played at Batalla por el Muro and it made it to the final table. It lost with victory in sight, but I lacked 2 more initiative to go first (my clash of kings vs his sneak attack).

Most valuable cards:

Lady Sansa's Rose: Powerswings of 7 a 8 power. What else is there to say.

Ser Jaime Lannister: Being able to do a challenge as first player without leaving you defenses open was great every time.

Mere on heat: especially on defence. Made opponents go for easier targets.

Brothel Madame: no great impact in any of the games, but it makes negotiation possible.

Tears of lys: Tyrells popularity gives you great targets for tears. Haven't seen them myselfs but 2 Balons got Tears'd in the final.

Cards I should have played, but didn't:

Sneak attack: there is a good chance I lost the table because of sneak attack having more initiative then clash of kings. Tourney of the King into sneak attack feels like a good plot order for the final to rounds.

Joffrey: no reason to not play this additional source of power in melee. I didn't because I didn't want to pay wildfire. He is fine in melee without it.

3 comentarios

avogadro 14

What about your plot orders in games?

ThijsM 104

It really depends on the cards in your hand or in play.

  • Counting coppers is played during turn 1 or 2 if Tywin is in play. - Noble cause is played on turn 1 or 2 for Tywin, Jaime or Loras since you need one of them to win.
  • Calling the banner was mostly played as a second or third plot.
  • Tourney of the hand won me one game on defence, but it didn't win me initiative. 8 initiative wasn't enough most of the time. I think it's best played when you think the game will end the next round so you can get close to 15 to try and win initiative with a clash of kings or sneak attack.
  • Clash of kings was finisherplot.

  • sneak attack would have been good in all games I played. Not only as finisher but also on turn 2 or 3. There were a lot of times I only wanted to do 1 challange and then end my turn.

raistlins 1

I think that Cersei Lannister 3x is too more, instead i think that miss Randyll Tarly that togheter Margaery Tyrell are fantastic combo. I have a question, how you dont play lannisport and Seal of the Hand? You dont have possibility of draw cards ^__^