The Silent Wolf

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The Silent Wolf 2 1 4 2.0

Rick IsLitFam 261

Hello everyone,

This is my first time making a deck on this website, so I appreciate everyone giving me your time. Please feel free to leave a comment or ask a question!

The first thing you may notice is a difference with plots versus other Stark decks--particularly the 2 Sneak Attack plots. Most Starks are running a Summons with A Noble Cause. That is two "0" initiative plots in a deck where you want to go first and control the board. Starks are heavy military, that is no secret. Sneak Attack has a "2" claim. Now, combine that with an Ice attachment and a Put to the Sword, then you can do it twice with another Sneak Attack, and your opponent is going to be hurting, badly.

We will explore that strategy later, but I want to talk about the overall synergy and mechanics of this deck. The wolves are fun to play! (And I'm not just talking about Grey Wind, Lady, and Summer) The entire Stark faction is outstanding in the military meta. So why, "The Silent Wolf"? As with any deck, you do not want to rely on just one character/card/strategy to win, but the stealth factor can win, big time.

I run 2 Syrio Forel and 3 Arya Stark. If these two are out, plus any other character, your opponent is going to be in trouble. That creates 2 characters--3 with Syrio's ability--that have Stealth. Additionally, if that third character is Catelyn Stark, then you have a 3 icon stealth character that cancels your opponents card abilities--huge. Moreover, you still have Grey Wind, Summer, Lady, and 3 x Winterfell Kennel Master to control the board with the direwolves in each challenge. Some decks only run 2 Kennel Masters, but I believe you need three. You have to increase your chances of drawing one. Plus, you may be sacrificing one or two if you lose a military challenge. The argument is to play Summons to pull one; however, this is a slow plot--and you definitely need A Noble Cause--As stated prior, this is not the faction to have 2 "0" initiatives.

The areas where the deck struggles is--no surprise--during intrigue challenges. Hence the need for Like Warm Rain, it is awesome. Plus, it adds to the "Silence," they never knew it was coming. Also, the Kennel Masters and direwolves help greatly, and you decide whether to jump in or not--Especially if Catelyn has Lady on her. There is nothing better than your opponent thinking they won the intrigue and Grey Wind feasts on their flesh. The surprise element is very nice.

By turn 4 or 5, you may be hurting for cards. However, this is where Ser Rodrik Cassel, Summer and Bran Stark, and Gates of Winterfell come to aid. The draw can be there if you have these out.

You will want to go first nearly each round. Hence why I don't believe in more than one slow plot. A Noble Cause is a good opener, if you need the extra set-up. If you can, Sneak Attack (Military) first turn is nasty. However, it's not always needed. The remaining plots help control the board. Some argue against Wildfire Assault, but it is needed--especially against Lannister/LotC. If you don't have the stealth aspect, then Filthy Accusations comes into play nicely. Kneel the highest strength military character, win military, hit with Ice, Winter Is Coming, or Put To The Sword, and the round is your's. Now, the key is to remove the characters you want to remove. Wildfire Assault is the key to get rid of the non-uniques and fodder. Don't be afraid to play it if you need it--even if you have more than 3 characters out. Starks can win with a good three team combo: Robb, Grey Wind, Catelyn or Syrio, Arya, Catelyn or Robb, Arya, Hot Rod, the possibilities go on.

If you read all the way through, I appreciate you taking the time! Thanks again, and let me know what you think.

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