Knights, knights, knights, Ladies!

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TYRELL POWER RUSH (updated version) 10 9 14 1.0
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SerNakata 7

The Kinghits/Ladies deck with which I won our small (6 players) Winter kit (yes, it arrived quite late, but we're used to that kind of problem with non-magic card games in Belgium).

I defeated a Targ/Lanni, a Martell/crossing and a Targ/Fealty.

The -1 from the agenda helps making sure the Mare in Heat will be able to trigger, and the two Jousting Contest are really amazing.

A Tourney for the King is the true finisher in the deck. Highgarden helps getting a character back from a challenge you can't win on the attack, but can also help trigger Lady Sansa's Rose on defense when defending with a knight against a lone heavy hitter from the opponent.

So far, the only cards I'm thinking about removing from the deck are the 3 Support of the People. I'd up the 2 The Hand's Judgment to 3 and add two characters.

When chapter 4 hits the shelves, I'd add The Arbor and Ser Horas Redwyne if The First Snow of Winter was not that frightening...

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