Trump's Foreign Policy - Top 4 Wayland Games SC, UK

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SC @Goblin Bologna (44 players): Winner (9-0) 101 79 21 1.0
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vexien 735

The main deck idea was taken from aryun's 9-0 list (I bow down to you sir) with some tweaks for the new pack.

Waylands Games SC, UK. 19 people, top 8 cut. Congrats to Jack Abbott for winning the day with Targ/Lion.

R1 - Targ/Rose - Win
R2 - Lanni/Rose - Loss
R3 - Tyrell/Dragon - Win
R4 - Targ/Sun - Mod Win
T8 - Lanni Rose - Win
T4 - Targ LotC - Loss

7 comentarios

Rick IsLitFam 261

Lol, love the name of the deck! Also, I am making a NW deck. I definitely would appreciate the tactics on how to play this deck. I am a new NW player.

vexien 735

Hey @Guardian0988

This deck follows the same tactics as most NW decks do, your goal is to get out The Wall asap and control challenges. The plots do most of your work, and you can often put yourself in a strong position for the whole game with at least a 3 card set up and opening with Trading with the Pentoshi to flood the board with what you drew into. From then on, its judgement calls based on what income will get you useful cards, or what can stop them getting a potential unopposed.

Lannister is a hard match up (especially Tyrion) but manageable. Targ often comes down to how well theyve drawn into their events. Havent had much GJ testing, but if you get benjen/the wall early I'm pretty sure its 'smooth sailing'.

Jackpls 2

Wow what a lovely deck, but, well, gee whiz mister, if you lost in the semi's who won in the finals?

vexien 735

@Jackpls Some scrub. Perhaps you should read the deck description to find out, like you should read your dany card properly!

akenathon80 1

@vexien really solid deck, what do you think about first snow of winter? that plot can be a problem for us..should we play more expensive characters to avoid mass bouncing? what about halder? impressions on the play? what do you think about the new nw plot for the watch? it's not so bad thanks!

vexien 735

Hey @akenathon80,

I played against first snow of winter twice during the tournament with this deck. There is honestly not much way round it for nights watch, but its not the worst thing. Most lists will include all of the more expensive characters give or take jon snow, so the result is generally the same, you just have to buckle up and hope it has hurt your opponent as well.

Halder didnt see too much play, in about 7 games i saw him twice, but i have to say i do like him. With practice blades, he can give you a quick str boost that your opponent is not always prepped for. I think ill definitely be keeping one of him around, but don't think id ever see a need for more.

For the watch! is interesting. I originally had it in my list, but swapped for Sneak Attack the night before (more gold and initiative). With LotC atm i dont think it provides too much use unless you have Sword in the darkness, but even then everything has to align for it to work. Your opponent will often be able to work around it in some way.

akenathon80 1

@vexien thanks for your reply, i will try halder in the next tournament. I like the sneak attack plann. what about the new event (watchers on the wall) ? It's Huge and the opponent will think twice before declare military.. I don't like Jon snow at all here My worst match up is barateon at the moment with NW What about you ?