Winner of Evansville IN SC (2-1)

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Winner of Evansville IN SC (2-1) 0 0 0 2.0

Deysey117 2

This is the deck me and my friend made for the store championship that was held in Evansville, IN. In a field of 4 people. I won by going 2-1 with this deck. The person I lost to was my friend who helped me create this deck.

The deck is designed to overwhelm and kill characters to keep the board clear then go unopposed to help win faster. Grey wind would usually eat the chuds so that would force them to sacrifice and kill the bigger characters when I won the military challenges. I would usually have Ice on someone to kill off the bigger characters as well and believe it or not never got put to the sword. The deck is a lot of fun to play. Stark is my favorite house and everyone always told me it was really weak compared to a lot of the other houses but it was what I was most comfortable with. We got the new chapter pack the day before to get the new plot because I knew that plot would help with Jousting Contest and Knight of Flowers. The Winterfell kennel masters also help with both of those too. All in all great day and a lot of fun. I love this deck and I'm looking forward to updating it and playing it more when the new deluxe comes out.

I usually started out with a 3 or 4 flop. Depending on what was in my hand is what plot I used i.e Noble Cause for my bigger characters like Robb and Ed. I played against a rose banner of the wolf knights deck my first match. It was a good match but I had the board cleared by turn 3 with Grey Wind, Ed, and Robb.

The second match I played against was a Martell fealty deck. He had viper out turn one and I had a bunch of pups and Grey Wind. I got Robb turn 1 on the draw and got him out. I got out Winterfell Castle and over powered him with the amount of characters and had. I ended up getting Ed and Roddy out later with Calling the Banners and some reducers and then started to over power him and intimidate Viper to keep him out of the game. I kept killing off his characters to where he had Doran and viper out then flipped sneak attack to take them both out and he just couldn't recover after that.

The third game was against my friend. I had pretty good board set up but the one thing I didn't have was anyone with intrigue. He had 3 tears of lys in his hand and killed Robb turn 1, Ed turn 2, and Roddy turn 3. It left me with Sansa and some pups and he was at 12 power from going unopposed with Hoata and Marge and Knight of Flowers. I managed to hold him off till time was called in the end I had the most points therefore, making me Champ.

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