Wildlings at the Wall

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Wildlings at the Wall 0 0 0 2.0

tommyinthewell 1

Use The Lord of the Crossing to make NW a threat on attack, plus high income plots to benefit the Ambush provided by Mance Rayder. Fallen from Favor plot works well, as there are so many characters being played that sacrificing a couple doesn't really matter too much.

Capable of standard NW tactics with The Wall and The Shadow Tower as well, making opponents have to make hard choices.

Very limited testing thus far. Still trying to see which angle works best as far as chumps vs 1-off larger characters. Jon Snow being tested for usefulness, but haven't managed to get him into play yet. Mance Rayder has been very good, however, enabling huge power gains via ambushed wildlings. Focus on Winter plots to drop cost of ambushed characters. Focus on ambush helps get around The First Snow of Winter as well.

Plots definitely need fine-tuning. May remove For the Watch! in favor of Ranger's Cache for flexibility and emergency card draw. May drop Fallen from Favor in favor of Trading with the Pentoshi as well for added income on low character count phases. The Long Winter has been a great opening card, if you get a setup that supports it.

Would love some guidance and input!

2 comentarios

Zack_Price 243

I'd say drop tithe, kneeling a char for two gold just doesn't seem good, even in an ambush deck. You could drop Halder too, you only have 2 possible locations to kneel for a str boost and the are both locations you don't want to kneel. I also wouldn't run Maching as it tells your opponent that you don't plan on playing watcher on the walls, maybe replace it with summons so you can consistently find your wildlings.

tommyinthewell 1

Yeah, Halder was put in mostly to have a cheaper Power monocon. Looking at it though, I'd probably be better off just adding another House Maester into the mix.

I was liking Tithe as a way to bring some surprise gold in for Watcher On the Walls, Hand's Judgement and Alister Thorne, but I get your point. Definitely something to consider.