Krakawolf power rush

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Tj13 141

This is my Power rush deck, . It has been a while since I'm playing it and I can say that there are really no bad mu; even bara are not a problem with milk, seal and seastone to mitigate damages, while I can win power challenges to block their draw or simply destroying it.

Against targ Ned ,bran and first snow win the game, and they usually cannot stand behind the rush and I have enough saves to mitigate damage till I win the game.

Lannister is not that fast in power grabbing as I am, plus I have more saves than him, and he can do little against seastone because of Balon and stealth .

Ned is probably the cornerstone of the deck, since he adds a huge amount of powers on characters that are very hard to kill.

The plots shoul be played to first of all play big guys, then keep the board small till u are about 8/10 powers and then close the game with rise of the kraken

Last thing to remember is that milk targets should be choosen very carefully if u have seastone in play, this is my list: Tyrion, Nym, Meli, Robert, Cat, Syrio, Tywin(conditional), Stannis(conditional), Dany and Khal (both conditional)

ps 2x raiding longship/milk or 3x milk and 1x riding are both valid choices, still not figured which one is the best( now I'm trying the latter)

1 comentario

Tj13 141

Deck is still performing very well. Today I went 2-1 against Lannister answer stark. I was thinking to put a second winter plot to counter winterfell. The games that I've lost were very clos and I didin't draw good characters. Right now stark is the hardest mu because of winterfell, bara is still not a problem. When the new attachment will be available