Lani Wolf Good Stuff (1st Place - Arizona (a.k.a SoCal east)

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justchillinOC 123

Deck I built and used at the Arizona Regional on May 21. After a frustrating modified loss in the opening round, the deck performed amazingly going undefeated the rest of the tournament, most of which I was never really in danger.

The main strategy is to get one of your 5+ guys out (Tywin > Ned > Tyrion > Mountian > Jaime > Ilyn) with some chuds at setup, then dump everything else with Pentoshi (or if you think they might Naval, Calm). Usually they will freak and first snow away all your chuds, but Burned Men are the mvp and almost every time I timed it with my Coppers turn (since I was usually low on cards already) and was able to hang on to most. The killer finisher that caught most opponents is Feast for Crows since, if you are around 10 power with some renown dudes out (or even better Sansa), they get put in a state of paralysis of screwed either way.

I played against a lot of Lannister so the kill events were hard to trigger (and against Kraken almost pointless) so they went unused most games, but using Gregor and/or Jaime and/or Tywin on military defense also prevents those kill events from being used against you. Since I was usually ahead on power from the start, keeping my people alive and outpacing was more important than killing my opponents characters.

Ilyn was marginally useful, but he has his place where appropriate (sealed my Top 8 game on first turn killing their chud, leaving only two 5+ guys left, the iron mines saved the mil claim but no stopping the Marched) and once he is out opponents totally change how they marshal. Ward was a little disappointing as there were few times that I drew it where there was someone worth/able to take.

It is a fun deck and I hope other people can have success with it. As for me, I have taken a vow to bring a Tyrell deck to the SoCal regional since no one else is ever going to be willing to.

2 comentarios

jstnramson 1

how important was Rickon, and would you replace ward with another milk or a second widows wail?

justchillinOC 123

Marginally important but could be swapped for something if desired. I love him because I like having flexible tools and because he's great for setup and can totally wreck decks that depend on Summons/Building to get their key card. Sorry, no Drogo/Jaime combo, no Wall, no Ghaston, no Arbor, etc.