Martell Kraken: White Book Podcast

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Martell Kraken: White Book Podcast (HJG version) 0 0 0 1.0

scantrell24 3334

Built on White Book Podcast episode 249.

9 comentarios

LGB 171

Thanks for publishing and dicussig that deck. Building Orders is brillant! I have been playing martell winter fishwiskers for a long time, I have never enven consider. It makes all the difference.

scantrell24 3334

@LGB you're right, it's a super versatile plot in this deck

Icarusrising 198

I think this deck is way too top heavy and will have severe problems with setup. You have only 10 characters 2 cost or less (and 3 of those are greenblood traders) and only 13 characters 3 cost or less (and 2 of those are Areo).

Compound that with sub-par plot economy (save the Trading) and you're going to have a hard time playing your dudes. Yes, Arianne will be great, but you really want to be able to play her and another character (or anything else really) every turn, and with the plot economy, that is going to be difficult.

Also, your initiative is very low and you will likely be forced to go first most turns, making you very susceptible to milk on Arianne, which can really ruin turns.

Overall, I think you'd need to abandon the winter theme for better/higher economy plots, drop fishwhiskers and newly made lord, and replace them with lower curve character options like the lordsport shipwright.

This has been a problem with most of my Martell builds though. I generally have trouble finding the right balance of impact characters to cheat in with Arianne, enough low cost characters for good setups/playing on Arianne turns, and keeping a cap on my non-setup icon strippers or events.

MargareyWillHaveMyBabies! 1

Exactly why would you combine Fishwhiskers with Martell - seems like a heavy card investment of winter plots and GJ stuff just to get him to work. Still don't go mad for Newly Made Lord, mono-cons are a pain. Why do you want Building Orders as well? Just for fetching the odd Ghaston or Iron Mines? Must be a higher income plot that you could take?

scantrell24 3334

@Icarusrising I haven't had a bad setup in 5 games so far. Iron Mines helps a lot, and there aren't any 7 cost characters. Also, Trading and Calling have been plenty of economy. Granted, 5 games is a small sample size, so you could be right, but so far that's not my impression of how the deck plays.

@MargareyWillHaveMyBabies!The winter plots, as we discuss on the cast, are mostly for turning off Stark's Winterfell for a turn so we can push through Tyene and Tears, or use Iron Mines to save from Ice, etc. Fishwhiskers is just nice utility, and can jump in with Arianne. As for NML, I could be convinced to cut 1 copy as he's less useful against Lannister, but great against Bara and Martell, so it depends on what matchups you expect to see. Not every meta is the same. As for Building Orders, Ghaston, Iron Mines and Milk are some of the best cards in the game right now. Fetching one is extremely valuable.

MargareyWillHaveMyBabies! 1

Fair enough - just seems like a huge investment space wise just to combat one (admittedly overpowered) card. Winter plots for me just suck so much on economy, if you had a bad start, you struggle to recover.

I can see the argument for Building Orders, I guess fetching anything that's dirt cheap goes against my style! If I'm tutoring I want to get something big! You don't use Summons to get anything less than a bomb. But I see the use of it.

How do people use Pentoshi - that 3 gold seems to always help the opponent as much as it helps you when they take their income.

Wessex 1

So if you were playing a regional this weekend, would you play this, banner rose or banner lion?

scantrell24 3334

@Wessex Lion, but this is a close second. I don't like martell rose

action_johnny 745


Can't speak for the rest of the deck, but running Building Orders to fetch Milk is a sound and proven tactic. Milk is one of the most important cards in the game at the minute thanks to characters like Miri and Tyenen and fetching one on demand can mean the difference between a loss and a win. If it's not something you've tried before I recommend you give it a shot. Building Orders is, imo, more versatile a plot than it's character counterpart Summons, and everyone runs that.