Bloodrider Targaryen

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Isian.H 706

3 comentarios

Isian.H 706

any suggestions & feedback welcome

Oneiron 1

Hi! That's a nice deck, but i have some suggestions. Bear in mind that I'm not a pro, though.

1) 2 Fire and blood for just 6 dragons are not really worth imho. You can add the new plot "close call", which is even a summer plot, instead.

2) Mirri Maz isn't really supported by this deck. It is a powerful card indeed, but you need to protect and support her more actively. I would remove her for , say, the 3x of the drakes? Or the 8 cost dothraki army.

Good deck though, I would like to know how it works for you :)

Isian.H 706

@Oneiron The deck actually works really well with the lord of the crossing to gain power really fast. You can easily finish on Round 3. Silver steed is a GREAT card giving a bloodrider renown for power challenges and sacrificing it lets you do an additional power challenge. meaning with Drogo on the board that allows me to do two challenges, 2 challenges and an challenge.

Mirri is there as a distraction, letting ur opponent focus on defending her so you can gain power faster and it limits what ur opponents can do because they will NEED to defend her to avoid loosing their main characters.

The fire and blood works well on anything really. But its mainly there to bring back a dragon or if you lost a good character early to tears etc

it is a really fun deck to play though because of all the bloodriders buffing one another and it just feels like a manly deck XD