Lanni R'hllor: Top 4 @ Barcelona Regional (77 players)

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xikitins 53

I went to Barcelona Regional last saturday. It was a great day. 77 players mainly from Catalonia but also from other parts of Spain.

I have a 4-1 record in swiss rounds:

  • Round 1: Lanni Rose (win)
  • Round 2: Greyjoy Fealty (win)
  • Round 3: Lanni Rose (win)
  • Round 4: Bara Wolf (Lose)
  • Round 5: Lanni Kraken (win)
  • Top 16: Bara Fealty (win)
  • Top 8: Lanni Kraken (win)
  • Top4: Lanni Kraken (Lose)

Quiet standard Lanni Good stuff with the addittion of R'hllor package for soft control. The deck plays around board control. The First snows of Winter is the KEY of the deck, clearly.

I'll write a report soon.

Ask me whatever you want to know, any comments are welcome! :-)

7 comentarios

xikitins 53

Here is my report!  Round 1 vs Hansen with Lanni Rose. I got Tywin + duped seal of the hand by the end of turn 1. He didn’t find his own tywin, so not anything else to say. Tywin + seal completely control de challenge phase. 1-0

Round 2 vs Luzier with Greyjoy Fealty

It was a pitty. Luzier and me are friends and we use to play together. So play against him in a 77 player tournament it’s a crap. He had balon + drowned god attach+cost 1 reducer in setup. But I can find my Mel to control his Balon all the game long. Luckyly for me he does not find his seastone. He continue drawing weenies and I got together Jaime and Mel with a see in flames in hand and burned men plus fiery followers in table. So next turn I want to play First snow, and did it so, but unfortunaly he played Euron in First snow turn. I played see in flames in challenges phase knneling Balon, but I had to defend on MIL with Jaime plus burned and theachery to a warship in order not to lose neither Jaime nor Mel. The following turn Marched to the wall so Euron and burned men were discarded and I can kneel Balon again with the followers I had return to my hand thanks to First Snow. So the game is mine. 2-0

Round 3 vs LaPiedra with Lanni Rose.

I got perfet setup with Tywin + reducer+ 0 cost location. He didn’t find his tywin in all the game. Also I only drew huge charactes, and by the end of turn 4 or 5 (don’t remember exactly), my board was: Tywin, Jaime, Gregor, Mel and Tyrion… nothing else to say. 3-0

Round 4 vs Marquina1992 with Bara Wolf

I had a strange setup after mulligan. Only 4 for gold to spend. Then I drew Mountain but he didn’t do anything. He was all the game knelt. I got tears in hand, expecting to kill Eddard or Stannis, but didn’t drew a single character with and INT icon, so. I did do too much this game. 3-1

Round 5 vs Estupefaciente with Lanni Kraken

I got my tywin and he didn’t. It was a huge advantage. He got Mountain + Asha, but I can kill The Mountain with tears and next turn Asha with ptts.

Top 16 vs Orys with Bara fealty

I was nervous because we were playing for the awesome playmate and Bara is a bad match up. Fortunately I got a good setup of Tywin and cost 1reducer, and he had only weenies and no economy. He played Stannis and the beginning of the game. I few turns later he got Robert and Stannis with som weenies and I got Tywin plus Mountain and som weeines also, but Hound in hand. So next turn is clearly First snow. I go first. He played Motley on my Mountain and I cancel the habilitlity of Motley with Treachery because I didn’t want to risk to lose my The Hound. So he had to choose to lose Stannis or Robert and finally cost 6 was dead. Next turn I made power chall with Hound and discard to keep him on board. So then he attack in MIL and I sac my bodyguard. Next turn Robert and Hound Marched to the wall and the game was mine. I got my playmate! 

Top 8 vs Kenoven with Lanni Kraken.

I made a mulligan and got a bad setup of Selyse with seal of the hand and a reducer. He got duped mountain plus cost 1 reducer. First turn I open with Calm over westeros to MIL chall in order to to lose to much character agains the Mountain, and He opened with Naval superiority luckily for me.I played fiery followers in order to play see in flames and catch some good stuff he won’t be able to play due to the low income of Naval, and when I saw his hand it was a completely crap, luckily. Two turns later I can kill the duped Mountain after two tears and a treachery to iron mines. I got my Tywin and my game began now. The game was quiet long (we played 8 plots) and he didn’t find his tywin till plot 8, so finally I win the game.

Top 4 vs Gaius Baltar with Lanni Kraken

My first hand was a setup of only weenies and I though it was risky against a lanni opponent who probably was playing First snow of winter (not a single char in my hand of cost 4 or greather) So I mull and my game was over. My deck cheats me huge I got a 1 char setup. And only drew 3 or 4 (don’t remember exactly) character in all the game. I simply didn’t do anything to win this game. It was a pitty.

Final thoughts, it was a great day with a 77 players regional, incredible people and I got my desired awesome playmate with such a good art!

Luzier 1

Congrats for the tournament mate! I'm so happy for you, now we need need to focus on Valencia's regional ;)

imabunneh 361

5 rounds with 77? Seems very low

Wosho 76

Short guide about how to play lanni:

  1. I got Tywin + duped seal of the hand by the end of turn 1. He didn’t find his own tywin,
  2. I got perfet setup with Tywin + reducer+ 0 cost location. He didn’t find his tywin
  3. I got my tywin and he didn’t. It was a huge advantage. Top 16 Fortunately I got a good setup of Tywin and cost 1reducer, Top 8 I got my Tywin and my game began now. Top 4 No Tywin and gg..

xikitins 53

@LuzierThanks a lot mate!

@imabunnehdon't know, really.

@Woshothanks a lot. Very constructive comments. Top 4 was much less than no tywin. 1 card setup man. 3 char in 3 turns when 56% of my deck are chars. But anyway I am sure you are a very good player and did a lot of top4 in a more than 70 players agot tournaments. Let me know, write a report and share it please. I want to learn from you master. :-)


i like this deck a lot, nice work! do you think more copies of bodyguard are needed? it would protect all the main characters. in your last game, was the no characters issue just random or do you need to add a few more? I see more decks using 36-40 characters these days, so 34 is kind of low (i play 32 sometimes though!). Are there any changes you would suggest, and would you recommend playing this deck at a regional?

xikitins 53

@YEEZUSThanks! Yes 34 is a little bit low with the poor draw the deck has, but talking about last game I think it was only variance. I don't have any other issue with the number of characters during the whole day. Talking about changes currently I am testing Ser Barristan Selmy, but I don't think it is the card the deck needs. He don't fit any of the deck weakness.

The deck need to improve setups clearly, because in top8 and top4 game setups were quiet bad (also in round4), and worst match-ups are GJ and Bara so probably adding another bodyguard seems a good option (setup friendly and stops seastone and raiding longship) So possible changes I would do:


  • 1 Hand judgement
  • 1 Davos


  • 1 Syrio (he is better than Davos, specially in the GJ match-up)
  • 1 Bodyguard (or another weenie 1 o 2 coster). There are too much 3 coster due to the R'hllor package).

Plots are ok as they are now, but if Naval is no prevalent in your meta, summons instead of Calm could be good to improve draw and look for importants chars in certany situations (moreover money chars and Mel).