Top 4 Barcelona Regional (77 Players)

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Lukevolt 14

This is the deck I piloted to win a Spring Tournament with 20 players and also a top 4 in the Barcelona Regional with 77 players.

Over the 5 rounds of swiss I beated a Greyjoy Fealty, a Martell Fealty, a Lannister Tyrell, a Lannister Targaryen hitting the Naval Superiority, and lost to a mirror match. On top 16 I beated a Targaryen Fealty, on top 8 a Lannister Targaryen and finally I lost at top 4 against the winner of the regional with its Baratheon Stark.

Hope you find this deck useful, feel free to post any questions or comments.

2 comentarios


this deck looks very strong. one difference from many lanni kraken is you use 3 of theon and asha - did that work well? overall, i love the milks here. but one question would be - would you consider nightmares or lordsport shipright to control locations? or is it not worth it? any changes you would suggest before regionals this weekend?

Lukevolt 14

Theon and Asha gave a lot of punch to fit the Naval Superiority more unexpectedly. Everybody expects it when Tywin hits from the very begining, but not with those (and is really profitable, as you can perform a mil challenge unopposed easily along with the Hound, Tickler or Bronn to hit the PttS).

Usually locations are not much of a problem, as the main goal of the deck is to clean the table of your opponent's (that's why it's focused on x3 ToL and 3xPttS).

Finnally the changes I would made: -1 Joffrey, - 1 Tickler and +2 Burned Men. They help to hit +5 unexpected numbers, and also on the turn of First Snow or Marched to the Wall.