Champion of Magic-Chile Spring Kit Tournament

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
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lucatolica 8

4-0-0 In Swiss against Lannister-Fealty, Martell-LOTR, Greyjoy-Fealty and Targaryen-Kraken

Well, this is a basic Baratheon deck with a nice balance of kneelling and offensive.

At the moment i dont like to use Even-Handed Justice because with those two golds i can pay a heavy character or some low-cost ones. I rather Consolidation of Power because i can pay it with fealty.

City Watch was very usefull because my opponents didn't expect an ambush in a baratheon deck, also is a nice character to stand when stannis is in play.

I didnt have the opportunity to play Ser Barristan Selmy, but it doesn't have a guaranteed place due to its high cost and disloyalty ,very risky against Treachery and very useless against Starks.

Some tips will be well received.

3 comentarios

dahaka 21

Felicitaciones!!! Ojalá vengas al regional !

Dembers 1

felicitaciones, ojala los de conce vayan a veranalia o al regional saludos desde viña

Danedov 14

Felicitaciones :D! es bueno ver Baras en el top :)