Tyrion's visit to the Wall.

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Soe1.0 33

I have been doing monthly banner-ing since december. I published my NW Stag previously if you want to check it out. This month is time for lions banner before the next cycle.

  1. December - NW Fealty
  2. January - NW Wolf
  3. Febuary - NW Rose
  4. March - NW Kraken
  5. April - NW Sun
  6. May - NW Stag
  7. June - NW Stag
  8. July - NW lion

I have been playing Night's Watch since December when I started the game.

Let me know what you think about this deck. Thanks in advance.

2 comentarios

Soe1.0 33

Test 1 Win against Targ Wolf, Test 2 Win against Starks Fealty, Test 3,4 Loss against Targ Lion.

VegetaZen 1

Hi! I think that this deck would be much stronger if you change the basic concept - ignore stall, make offensive! Lion banner gives NW a lot of enhancements, but IMO none of them valuable for stalling. Try play with Jon Snow + Longclaw instead Mormont. You can false attack with Tyrion to get 2 gold for Put to the Sword etc. Finally I think you really shouldn't resign to maester Aemon (perfect "claimeater"), ravens/Sam (for draw) or especially The Watcher on the Walls which would be scary with your Tyrion and rangers : )