First ever GOT attempt: The Night's Watch, Fealty

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thebookerman 1

I played GOT briefly in 1st Edition and just got into 2nd edition... This has never been played in a tournament, only a friendly game or two.

I guess I'm just asking for a bit of feedback :) There's not many players round here so before I enter a tournament I'd like to know if I should expect to get the tar kicked outta me...!

6 comentarios

krisheezy 1

Night's Watch is one of my favorites, but I've always had trouble building a good fealty deck. They are too underpowered in my opinion. They don;t have the right loyal cards to benefit from fealty (Will and Yoren are loyal, but Ser Alliser Thorne and Benjen Stark are not?), they don't have a location reducer unlike other factions (eg. Blood Orange Grove and Sea Tower, and their non-uniques aren't that useful (Veteran Builder is not worth the cost). It's a tough faction to play and matches the theme, but I think they missed an opportunity with Take the Black. This card should have been what Ward is where you can take a unique and give it the night's watch trait. I enjoy playing them, but you don' t see that many night's watch players because its too difficult to play esp. fealty :(

MeatLoafX 22

Small comment - drop the chain. Aemon is no attachments. :/

I like the locations, but I'd drop some events and some copies of uniques (like at least one will). I also don't think Jon Snow is good.

ringoasuka 53

Using Watcher on the Walls with that many rangers is bad deck building

thebookerman 1

@MeatLoafX- Doyyy... Thanks. Can't believe how stupid I now look lol. Jon Snow I would agree. Is there anything you would add in their place? Events or anything?

@ringoasuka- Care to explain? They're mainly all rangers for Benjen Stark... Soooo, yeah.

MeatLoafX 22

I wouldn't replace characters with events. It seems like you're already a bit light on characters. I'd consider some cheaper characters: messenger Ravens and Samwell to start. You need their card draw and they help with set up.

ringoasuka 53

You're underestimating the utility of Old Forest Hunter. Put Will down to 1 copy and use him sparingly. He has no "No attachments" trait and the best bait for Ward. Arry is superior to Will.