The Stag with Kraken Antlers: 1st place The Wicked Goblin Sp

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Kings of Sea and Storm: 1st Place PDX July Tournament 28 21 17 1.0
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diehardlurch 8

This is the deck I used to win a local games night at The Wicked Goblin held in Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia. I was expecting a large amount of Stark Fealty and a fair amount of Lannister but there was a lot of Baratheon too. Asha Greyjoy in Baratheon worked very well incorporating a kneeling/stealthing deck. We had 8 players in total and this was my first event win, so bring on the next one

6 comentarios

mattastrophic 719

Congratulations Mr. Lurch!

diehardlurch 8

Thanks and Thank you


Nice deck! This strategy seems powerful - would you make any changes going forward?

diehardlurch 8

@YEEZUSI would drop Support of the People and add a Lightbringer but apart from that the deck worked solidly

karoob 1

Did you try out Stannis? He looks OP in this deck (as in any Bara kneel deck).

diehardlurch 8

I have found Stannis Baratheon too costly and too bulky for the win condition needed, the deck goes fast with power gain but can endure the mid to long game also